[net.tv.soaps] Ryan's Hope Thur Jun 7

alle@ihuxb.UUCP (Allen England) (06/11/84)

Ryan's Hope Thursday June 7

A gift is delivered to the Ryan's.  It contains Irish crystal and an invitation
to a party, invitee unknown.  Later, Maeve talks to Bess, who received 2 exotic
birds with her party invitation - birds that Jill was hyper-allergic to.  Maeve
wants to know about the situation with Frank and Maggie.  Bess is worried
until she realizes that Maeve still thinks that Frank dislikes Maggie.

Pat and Senecca discuss Roger and the possibility that he has liver damage.
Pat receives an 18K gold plated stethoscope with his invitation to the party.

Jill tells Frank what Roger said.  "Why does he keep repeating...Maggie...
Frank..."  Frank kisses Jill and denies making love with Maggie.  Later,
Frank and Jill receive a horrid sculpture as their gift with their invitations
to the "party of the year."  Millie (their [until now] temporary receptionist)
tells them that Aunt Georgia is retiring and that she (Millie) promised
her that she would continue to work for the Ryans.  Bob shows up with his
gift, silver colt pistols, but leaves after he realizes that Jill and Frank
are in the middle of a "discussion."  Frank, "I risked my life going down
the elevator shaft after Roger."  Jill, "Did you have a guilty conscience?"

--> Allen <--