[net.misc] Personal to Seth Alford at HP

irish@ihuxb.UUCP (07/21/83)

Sorry to clutter up the net...  Mail doesn't seem to want to go

Re: Dvorak on the 2621P

Hi, Seth,

In case you missed my followup article in net.misc, here's a brief

Get to the point where you can change the language configuration of
the terminal.  Hopefully, you'll see a blank label in the lower left
corner of the screen.  Hit CTRL-SHIFT-(home-cursor-up key), and a
little DV will appear in the blank label.  If it does, you're all


1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  +  '  BS `
 *  ,  .  p  y  f  g  c  r  l  [  ]  <
  a  o  e  u  i  d  h  t  n  s  -
   \  q  j  k  x  b  m  w  v  z


!  "  #  $  %  &  ^  (  )  =  ?  /  BS ~
 @  ;  :  P  Y  F  G  C  R  L  {  }  >
  A  O  E  U  I  D  H  T  N  S  _
   |  Q  J  K  X  B  M  W  V  Z

The del, tab, shift, etc., remain the same.

I can't understand why this isn't documented.  It's a nice feature!
I found out about it from a guy down the hall.  Where he found out...?
If you can discover anything about the lack of documentation (is it
only for a secret society within HP?), I'd be interested in hearing
about it!


P. S.  Since first writing this and trying to send it, I have found
that 2621A's and B's don't have this.  Also, not all P's have it.
Any ideas?
