[net.tv.soaps] AMC MURDER!

karen@wjvax.UUCP (Karen Pline) (04/13/85)

Friday, April 12

Erica found a photo album of Mike's when she returned home from the hospital.
There was a picture of someplace in Tibet, and under the picture Mike had
written that he wanted his ashes to be scattered there.  Erica phoned Mark
and got him to come over.  She showed him the picture, then asked him to go
with her to Tibet.

Now - for the murder story.  Oh, where to begin?  This is going to be very
complicated for a while.

Myra was worried about Palmer - he had been gone a long time.  Phoebe showed
up at the Manor to talk to Palmer, but he still wasn't there.  Finally, he
showed up, with the briefcase still in his hand, looking upset and agitated.  
He got rid of Phoebe.  Myra asked him what's going on.  He told Myra that
he never did go to Zach's.  He said that he drove around thinking, then
decided to come home.  Myra said that he should have given Zach the money and
gotten the whole thing over with.  She's afraid that Zach is going to use
those pictures.  Palmer said that Zach is too greedy to use them yet, and
not to worry about it.  Then he went upstairs and changed his clothes.

Jasper returns shortly thereafter, and he is very upset and nervous.  
Myra tells him that Palmer returned.  Jasper tells Myra that he followed
Palmer, but lost him at a stop sign.  He also reassures Myra that Zach will
not used the pictures.  He's glad to be home safely.

Daisy and Dr. Martin look all over for Nina, but they can't find her.  Daisy
realizes that Nina has taken her car and tells Dr. Martin that Nina is very
upset about something and that Daisy must get to Zach's right away.  So she
borrows Dr. Martin's car and heads over there.  When she gets there, she sees
her own car in the driveway.  She gets out of Dr. Martin's car, there is the
sound of a car starting and pulling away, then she goes into the building.

Nina arrives at home.  Cliff arrives right after her.  They start to discuss
the pictures.  Cliff tells Nina about the $20,000 bribe.  He says that he
went to the bank, got the money, then went over to Zach's to pay him off.
As he was about to get out of his car, he saw Nina coming out of the building.
He got so mad that Nina was in there making love to Zach that he felt she
deserved to have those pictures published.  Nina tells Cliff that she never
went up to see Zach.  She says that she went over to kill him, but when she
went into the building, she got scared, so she left.  Cliff only saw her
leaving the building, not the apartment, she swears.  Then Nina tells Cliff 
that the pictures were set up by Zach and Linda.  Cliff doesn't believe Nina.  
He wants to know where Linda is.  Nina tells him that she had a terrible fight 
with Linda and threw her out of the house.  And she tries to convince Cliff by
telling him the whole story about Linda.  

Andrew comes home to Courtlandt Manor also looking very upset and behaving
strangely.  He wants to know if his mother has returned.  Palmer hasn't
seen her all evening.  Palmer asks Andrew where he's been.  Andrew replies
that he was at the Chateau, then left to do some things at school.

The last murder scene.  Daisy has gone into the building and they show her
gently opening the door to Zach's apartment.  Later, they show Ross coming
up the stairs.  He opens the apartment door, walks inside, then comes to
a startled stop.  There on the floor is Zach's body, his face covered with
blood.  And leaning over the body, holding that long kitchen knife, is
DAISY!  Poor Daisy.  She doesn't even see Ross come in.  She crawls away
from the body with the knife still in her hand, and she looks horrified.
You can tell that she thinks Nina did it.

The End.

Thoughts - I think Linda stabbed Zach.  We have no idea as of yet whether
Zach died of stab wounds, was shot, etc.  But at least I think she inflicted
some injury on him.  Then she took what money was in the apartment and
used the plane ticket to get out of town.  But I think Palmer and Jasper saw
the body (and maybe killed Zach, or inflicted further injury together).

As of this moment, of course, we don't know if they'll find any money or
the plane ticket in the apartment.  But we do know which of the suspects could
not have committed the murder - Myra.  She never left the Manor, and she
was totally against taking that man's life.  Also, I don't think Ross is the
murderer, unless he left and came back.  He looked too startled, and the
murder weapon was still there.  Lastly, I don't think Andrew could have 
murdered Zach.  I think he's agitated because he's worried about his Mom.
Like Linda said, he just doesn't have the imagination.  One more - Daisy.
She's the suspect, so she's obviously not the murderer.  But I think she'll
admit it because she thinks Nina killed Zach, and Daisy wants to protect her
daughter (sound familiar to those of you who saw Gen. Hosp. when Laura killed 
David and Leslie took the rap for her and went to jail until Laura regained 
her memory?).  

But they didn't account for Tad, Cynthia, or Adam on today's show.

Well, so long for now.

				--  Karen Pline  --

halle@hou2b.UUCP (J.HALLE) (04/15/85)

I'm betting on a "Murder on the Orient Express" situation.
I bet everyone took a stab at him.

noemi@rochester.UUCP (Noemi Berry) (04/22/85)

>I'm betting on a "Murder on the Orient Express" situation.
>I bet everyone took a stab at him.

		Hear!  Hear!!  

   Failing that, I'd have to go with Linda since she's not really 
an important character anyway.  They couldn't send people like Palmer
or Cliff to jail.  (then maybe Sloane?  The Butler Did It!)

	I wonder if the writers have decided yet whodunnit!!

	n (I cried at Jenny's memorial service) b


jws@dartvax.UUCP (John W. Scott) (04/23/85)

> >I'm betting on a "Murder on the Orient Express" situation.
> >I bet everyone took a stab at him.
> 		Hear!  Hear!!  
>    Failing that, I'd have to go with Linda since she's not really 
> an important character anyway.  They couldn't send people like Palmer
> or Cliff to jail.  (then maybe Sloane?  The Butler Did It!)
> 	I wonder if the writers have decided yet whodunnit!!
> 	n (I cried at Jenny's memorial service) b

I don't think that Sloane is a real candidate, as he would never let
Daisy take the rap.  (The same reasoning eliminates many candidates).
I wish it were Cinthia, but I fear we are in for more of her yet.  So
it does seem to boil down to Linda.  No great loss...

  (What is the woman who robbed Tad up to???)


greg@olivee.UUCP (Greg Paley) (04/25/85)

One possibility that I haven't seen mentioned yet (although we
tend to get things late here) but which has been done before
is that the murderer may have been so traumatized by their own
action that they have "temporary amnesia" and don't remember
having done it.  This would allow it to be one of the main
characters who would, in their normal state of mind, not
let someone else take the rap.  If it is a "regular" (like
Nine, Palmer, Sloane, etc.) they can get out of shipping him/her
off to prison by developing a "self defense" line.  When the
character recovers their memory, they'll remember that Zach
tried to attack them, or something of the sort.  If this were
done, the usual plot maneuver is to have full memory restored
only after someone else has been convicted and sent to prison.

	- Greg Paley