[net.tv.soaps] AMC's Stupid Outdoor Noises

russ@ganash.UUCP (Russ Wolf) (11/22/85)

Has anyone else noticed those inane noises that occur whenever
a door is opened to the "outside" on AMC?

The producers seem to feel that animal noises are necessary for "realism".

For a long time they had dogs barking every time somebody's front door
was opened.  EVERY TIME.  Ridiculous.

Recently one "night" they decided to go in for some variety and had
an owl hooting.

(And don't forget those ubiquitous traffic noises, too.)

	Thanx muchly,

	Russ Wolf
	Periphonics Corp., 4000 Veterans Memorial Highway, Bohemia, NY 11716
	(516) 467-0500