[net.tv.soaps] Notes on AMC

fkr@inmet.UUCP (02/12/86)

On THursday (2/6), I got a rare chance to see half of AMC, so I thought
I'd write it up for other people like me who are so out of it that we
can't really even follow the postings here.

As I understand it, Alex, who is Jeremy's father & Natalie's husband
(Jeremy & Natalie used to be lovers but Alex stole her from Jeremy), is
thought to be dead but is really hiding in the cellar.  The butler (or
footman or whatever) knows he is there & is taking care of him, & told
him he should reappear because everyone would be so happy.  He seems to
have an instinctive understanding that they wouldn't be.  Alex is very
rich.  Jeremy & Erica want to leave, so they have convinced the proper
authorities to speed up the inquest/will reading/whatever.  Natalie has
decided that her life has no meaning unless she can hook back up with
Jeremy, so she is extremely upset when the hearing gets moved up.  Her
mother, on the other hand, thinks she should take heart & join the jet-
set, since she is going to be a very wealthy woman.  Natalie concocts this
idea that she will write a fake note to Jeremy, saying the obvious things
(all about this "night of passion" she claims they had & asking him not
to look at her with lust in his heart & stuff like that), and have Erica
find it, since her mother catches her at writing the letter, the viewer
got to hear the whole thing read out loud.  One assumes that Natalie will
plant the letter, Erica will split, Jeremy will take up with Natalie in
desperation & then Alex will reappear from the dead.  Oh boy.

The other big thing was this predictable nonsense with Angie & Jessie.
Angie has complained about this doctor (at least he is white), and so
there is a formal hearing (for some reason Dr. Martin isn't presiding).
Of course Jessie has come up with the hotel clerk from the conference
(where the bad doctor claimed he couldn't get a room of his own & wanted
to sleep in Angie's), but the bad doctor has gotten to the hotel clerk
& the hotel clerk is lying his head off & backing up the bad doctor's
story.  (I don't know if the doctor got to the hotel clerk after Jessie
found him, or if the hotel clerk told Jessie he'd tell the truth but
was planning to lie all along).  One assumes Angie's medical school
career will be (temporarily) destroyed & probably Jessie will do his
usual thing.  Maybe Angie could go into business with Grant Putnam.

The only other plot that was touched on was Tad.  He's working in some
bank & is miserable.  Hilary is sappy.  Langley says he should quit since
you only go around once in life, but Tad says that Phoebe is on his side
for the first time ever & he's not going to screw that up.  Then, sort
of immediately, it turns out that Tad is in big trouble because he
wouldn't cash a check for Dottie's mother that, as it turned out, she
had clearance for.  (He was probably rude to her).  And if she complains
about it, he thinks he'll get fired.  So Tad & Hilary went to see Dottie,
to ask her to intercede with her mother, and she wouldn't.  One assumes
Tad will blow it -- maybe he'll lose his new personality (he is supposed
to be really trying to reform, isn't he?).

(It did seem a little dopier than I remember, but its hard to tell).