[net.tv.soaps] request for updates on Y/R, AtWT, Capitol, and GH

ins_alal@jhunix.UUCP (Laurah Limbrick) (02/17/86)

I haven't seen anything lately on any soaps other than AMC;  does anyone else
out there watch the CBS soaps?  (with exculsion of Guiding Light)

I haven't seen any soaps since the last week of January, and I was wondering 
if some kind soul could provide me with some recent updates...

Thanks in advance.

bitnet: ins_alal@jhunix.BITNET  arpa: ins_alal%jhunix.BITNET@wiscvm.WISC.EDU
uucp:  ...{ihnp4!whuxcc | seismo!umcp-cs | allegra!hopkins} !jhunix!ins_alal
       OR {cbosgd | decvax} !decuac!aplvax!aplcen!jhunix!ins_alal

"Are we having FUN yet?  Huh, huh, are we, are we, huh?