info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (04/27/84)
Date: 25 April 1984 08:57 GMT From: uw-beaver!byard@dca-eur Subject: Poor Man's LAN To: info-mac@sumex Date: 25 Apr 1984 08:24:02 Z Text: Does anyone have the latest on Apple Bus for the Lisa 2 and Mac? I have a bunch of machines on order. Very soon after I get them, in a month or so, I want to set-up a "poor man's" local area network to connect our Lisa 2/10's, Macs, and Imagewriters together and to an LSI 11/23 ARPANET/MILNET mail host. A possible alternative, if it will be available sooner(?) for the Lisa and Mac, would be the Corvus Omninet. From what little (very) I know the Apple Bus and Omninet are simlar in that both us the RS-422 interface and twisted pairs at the physical level; however, the Omninet runs much faster (1 Mhz) and can handle twice the number of stations (64). Would appreciate any info on either LAN. Larry