info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/15/84)
Date: Sun 13 May 84 22:21:20-PDT From: Tony Siegman <uw-beaver!SIEGMAN@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> Subject: Interfacing Mac to hp 7470A RS-232C Plotter To: info-mac@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA Microsoft Basic on the Mac can be used to drive an hp 7470A plotter with the RS-232C interface by using the simplified terminal emulation program given in the May/June 1984 issue of MacWorld with the settings STOP1 (one stop bit), DATA8 (8 bit data word), BAUD 9600, and NO.PARITY (and the appropriate matching settings of the dip switch on the plotter). The Mac is connected to the plotter by the same cable that comes with the Imagewriter printer, and the command line to initialize the plotter and establish XON/XOFF handshaking is: PRINT #1,"IN; SP 1;"CHR$(27)".I81;;17:"CHR$(27)".N;19:"; -------