[ont.micro.mac] General comments on MacDraw, Microsoft Word etc.

info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/17/84)

Date:     15 May 84 15:11:35-EDT (Tue)
From: Mark Hume: U. of Toronto <uw-beaver!mnh%toronto.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>;
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.arpa
Cc: mnh%toronto.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa
Subject:  General comments on MacDraw, Microsoft Word etc.

I have just used the Beta (or Alpha or whatever) test versions of 
MacDraw and Microsoft Word and have a few (biased) comments on them.

MacDraw-  Looks as good as Lisa Draw. Reduce and  Reduce to Fit  are
	great commands.
	Draw doesn't (yet?) accept MacPaint pictures from the clipboard.
	Why is there no   undo   command?
	There seems to be something called  show scrap  which appears to be
	the Clipboard, it should be called  show clipboard.

Microsoft Word- I really don't like the      properties      command
	as the way to change a font. This is a many step process
	as compared to the simple method in MacWrite. It seems they
	should keep font, size, and style commands under a main heading
	in the menu line. (Changing fonts with the properties command is a 
	real pain!).
	It seems that this program needs the fat Macs (512K) because it runs 
	out to disk just to pop down menus. It's also very slowwwww scrolling.

An aside on MacWrite- I noticed that MacWrite allows you to resize the window
	you are working in but does not allow you to close it using the close
	box. Hmm, is Apple planning to have multiple Write windows.  
	I also noticed that the Header and Footer windows are still open under 
	the Write window when you are in    show header (or footer). It seems
	that     hide header (or footer) has two effects. It hides the header
	window, and it also hides (removes) the headers in the document. 
	Aren't these really two seperate operations?

An aside on MacPaint- I really wish MacPaint would scroll the window when you
	hit the edge. It fools you into thinking it is remembering text when
	you type past the edge (but no, it's not remembering it). This would
	also allow you to make squares and circles etc. larger than the window
	which would be nice.

A general comment on file names: Why are there Mac filenames in the release
	and pre-release software that have a dot (period,extension) in them.
	Example:  test.bas    for a basic program. Clearly it is a basic
	program, the Icon tells us this (or if you are in the age of directory
	listings the type of the file is clearly displayed). Just call the file
	test! In fact, if you really want two words in the name, just use two
	words and have a blank, rather than a period separating them.
