[ont.micro.mac] software updates

info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/18/84)

Date: 17 May 1984 18:42:29-EDT
From: uw-beaver!David.Anderson@CMU-CS-G
Subject: software updates
To: utcsrgv!peterr
To: microsof!infomac

I haven't seen much discussion of the software updates and new fonts, so I
thought a quick run-down on what I was able to get from my local dealer
might be in order.  Here is what I received (on 2 disks):

    upgraded and new software:	    upgraded and new fonts:
	MacWrite 2.20			Geneva 10, 20 (and others fixed)
	MacPaint 1.3			New York 10, 20, 36!
	Finder 1.1g			Seattle 10, 20
	Disk Copy utility		Los Angeles 12, 24
					Toronto (fixed)
					Cairo 18 (pictures)

MacWrite:  subscripts and superscripts have been added.  The tops of
superscripted characters are lopped off unless they're in a smaller font
size.  There seems to be no problem with subscripts.  The 10 point font
sizes are available as choices, but not the 20 or 36 point fonts (although
they are used for printing, and look great!).

MacPaint:  the Print command has been replaced by Print Draft and Print
Final.  Print Draft does what Print used to, while Print Final goes into the
Imagewriter's high resolution mode and uses some clever tricks to smooth out
the jaggies.  The horizontal streakiness is lessened, and everything I've
printed looks better.

Finder:  the new "about the finder" is cute.  There is one new option under
Special:  Set Startup.  If an application is selected, Set Startup will
cause that application to be loaded whenever the Mac is booted from that
disk.  The only way I have found of turning this off is to load another
application onto the disk, make it the startup program, and then delete this
other application.

The number of swaps seems to be slightly reduced, as well as the time to
start the finder.  The order in which windows get repainted seems to be
different, but that may just be my imagination.

Disk Copy utility:  does a complete copy in 4 swaps (uses screen memory).

Fonts:  the Geneva "l" and Toronto "q" have been fixed.  Seattle is sort of
a wider Geneva, Los Angeles is a hand-written font, and Cairo contains a
multitude of cute pictographs.

I discovered how much I need a hard disk when I had to install all of this
on about 10 different disks, and make up several different collections of
fonts.  Anyone seen the Davong or Tecmar units?

info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/19/84)

Date: 18 May 1984 02:38:35-EDT
From: uw-beaver!Duane.Williams@CMU-CS-IUS
Subject: software updates
To: utcsrgv!peterr
To: microsof!infomac

In regard to David Anderson's recent post:

One way to turn off a "Set Startup" is to make the Finder the startup

The number of swaps required to copy files to another disk using the new
Finder is not "slightly reduced".  It is greatly reduced.  The 46K Finder
can itself be copied in 1 swap; so the new buffer size is >= 46K.

Duane (dtw@cmu-cs-ius)