info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/24/84)
Date: 22 May 1984 0632-PDT From: uw-beaver!CAULKINS@USC-ECL.ARPA Subject: New software releases To: info-mac@SUMEX-AIM I got 'em yesterday. My first reactions are as follows: The new disk copy program is a great relief - 4 swaps does any disk, and you get to see 800K bits right there on the screen. Suggestion - it would have been nice to provide a use-the-screen-buffer option when copying files and applications. I would willlingly have my environment trashed in order to get some speed. The Cairo font is a real delight. After some struggling with the Font Mover (I had to zap some old fonts to make room for the Font Mover and the new fonts) I got Cairo on the disk with MacWrite and MacPaint. It provides a pictograph for every upper and lower case key - animals, plants, faces, guns, etc. Also, evidently in deference to the name, the Eye and Hawk of Horus and an Ankh. Some curious omisions: the bitten apple, the Mac icons, hearts/spades/clubs/diamonds, cursor indicators (Cairo has a watch, but it is different than the Mac I'm-busy watch), etc. Cairo is so neat I'm sure it will be followed by Alexandria, Thebes, Karnak, etc. When MacPaint is invoked one gets the following fonts: Los Angeles, Cairo, Chicago, Geneva, New York, Monaco, and Athens (this seletion may be an artifact of my font selection; I didn't copy Seattle); available sizes are 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 72. Cairo pictographs scale across all of these, but look best at 18 Pt and smaller. Same fonts in MacWrite; sizes are 9, 10,12,14,18, + 24. Some particulars of the stuff I got: MacWrite: Version 1.3, 54694 bytes, 55K, created 2 May 84, written by Randy Wiggington, Ed Roder, + Don Breuner of Encore Systems. Nice feature in About MacWrite - gives percentages of memory free and available,which change as space is used. MacPaint: Version 2.20, 60928 bytes, 61K, created 2 May 84, written by the inimitable Bill Atkinson. Finder: Version 1.1g [some chaos in the version numbering schemes], 46080 bytes, 46K, created 2 May 84, written by Bruce Horn and Steve Capps. Dave C -------