[ont.micro.mac] MAC FOIBLES

info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (05/24/84)

Date: Mon 21 May 84 19:52:49-PDT
From: Leslie Zatz <uw-beaver!ZATZ@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>

1) Invented (?) fonts: I deleted many fonts to make more
disk space as has been recommended. NY 12 and Geneva 9 were
intact. Forgetting that I had removed Geneva 12, I called up
a document created with it. It had a bizarre appearance on 
screen and when printed. When FONT and STYLE menus pulled
down, GENEVA  and 12 POINT were checked. It appears that
the MAC invents its own replacement for a missing font. Also
no way to tell the font you want is absent is a different
size is present.

2) Usually when transferring an application from one disk to
another, the Icon being copied remains in its original
position as a ghost is pulled over the the other disk icon.
However, several times the application icon disappearred from
the file work window as I did it making me 
think it was being moved and deleted
rather than copied. I could not duplicate the file because
of inadequate space. However, when the copy was completed,
the copied file was still buried under the
icon of the original disk. I was able to uncover it
and move it back into the working window. No loss but
somewhat confusing.