peterr@utcsrgv.UUCP (Peter Rowley) (05/31/84)
I sent the following to Ira.Monarch@CMU-CS-G, in reply to the query about Canadian universities in the Consortium. Anyone got anything to add, particularly with respect to other universities? Please feel free to post to this group. --peter ----------------------- Answering the query about Canadian universities in the Apple Consortium, No, the University of Toronto is not part of the Consortium (my understanding is that the AUC is restricted to the original 24), but Apple Canada is offering a discount of approximately 25% to students and staff on machines for personal use and a discount of around 30% on teaching and research machines in the Mac/Lisa family. The deal expires at the end of April, 1985. (They are also offering discounts on ][e's and ][c's, and other manuf's are discounting IBM PC lookalikes.) p. rowley, U. Toronto