info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (06/26/84)
Date: Mon 25 Jun 84 14:31:45-PDT From: Ed Pattermann <uw-beaver!Pattermann@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> Subject: Sources on INFO-MAC To: ;@info-mac Cc: Pattermann@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA As moderator of this list, I am faced with the dilemma of whether or not to send out program sources to the INFO-MAC distribution network. On one hand, the sending of sources can lead to a lot of bits propagating across the net, and in many cases of no real value to the receiver. On the other hand, providing sources solely via Arpanet FTP means alot of readers who do not have FTP access to SUMEX lose out. My current policy is going to be to allow sources to be sent out on the list, provided they are of reasonable quality, not of hugh proportions, and are not copy protected. This includes both programs for the Macintosh (in Basic, Pascal, Forth, etc) and programs and bug fixes for the SUMACC environment. My logic for this decision is as follows ; The model I have tried to put forth for INFO-MAC is that of a resource for users and sites interested in the serious development of the Macintosh within their environment. This originally included mostly the Apple University Consortium schools, but since has grown to include many others. Exchange of software among this community is important to the continued development of Macintosh applications. I also believe a mailing list such as INFO-MAC is best handled locally as a bboard which all readers can share, rather than each person receiving individual copies. Those sites that can and do use this scheme will not be hurt by the posting of sources. Those who do receive INFO-MAC directly are left to bear the brunt for all those who would lose otherwise if sources were not posted. If you have any experience with this issue or any good comments to make, I would appreciate hearing them. -- Ed -------