info-mac@utcsrgv.UUCP (info-mac) (06/26/84)
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 84 16:51:41 pdt From: Bill Croft <uw-beaver!croft@safe> To: info-mac@sumex Subject: debugging new icons Cc: croft@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA, mikes@cit-vax, sumacc@sumex The finder has a "cache" of the icon information that it gleans from your application resource file when it is installed for the first time. This means that the finder runs faster, but there is also a finder bug here: there is currently no way to tell the finder to refresh his cached icon pictures. This situation where this is most painful is when you are debugging the icon for your application. Even though you change the icon in your program's resource file, the finder won't see the change. Currently the only solution is to force the finder to rebuild his DeskTop file by rebooting with command-option held down. (Since this cache is indexed by filetype/creator, you should also ensure that ALL your applications on the disk have the new definition in their resource file's because you don't know which one the finder will encounter first to make his cache entry). One solution might be to have the finder compare the date when he made his cache entry to the "modified" date of the file being considered. If the file is newer than the cache, that entry in the cache should be rebuilt. When I mentioned this to Bruce Horn, he said that he had once considered checking the (SETFILE) "init" bit for this purpose, but didn't have time at the moment to implement it.