[net.music.classical] Schirmer editions

jeffw@tekecs.UUCP (Jeff Winslow) (05/01/84)

My prejudice against Schirmer editions comes from their Well-tempered
Clavier - complete with pedal indications, dynamics, fingerings, tempo
indications, the whole mess. (Hey, I'll bet you guys thought I didn't
like Bach, huh? Sorry - ) This inspired one of my older brothers to change
"Library of Musical Classics" to "Library of Classic Blunders", and
to add the indications "Front" and "Back" to the score. (And I was very
impressionable then.) I also seem to remember a Beethoven sonata with some
rather high-handed and apparently unjustified "editing" done to the tune
of "the Master certainly would have done such-and-such" - gag.

On the plus side, while the Schirmer edition of the Chopin 3rd sonata
disagrees with the Polish edition in several places, those are precisely
the places where the Polish edition seems to have chosen between two
equally justified alternatives (according to their own critical notes).
(Note: most concert pianists today apparently use the Polish edition - now I 
know where all those "wrong" notes come from!)

						Jeff Winslow