marcus@pyuxt.UUCP (M. G. Hand) (05/12/84)
<one for you and the rest for me.....> I went into a record store this morning in search of a recording of Mahler's 7th symphony. There are two recent digital recordings available, both with excellent pedigrees. The first is by Chicago Symph, conducted by James Levine, and has won a number of awards and much critical acclaim. The second is a new recording on Philips by the Concertgerbrau (you know what i mean - even if i can't spell it) Orchestra, Amsterdam, conducted by Bernard Haitink. Now, for Mahler works, i think Haitink is possibly the greatest, although i'm sure you all have your own opinions. So, normally i would buy the second but i haven't seen any reviews. Has anyone out there in netland read a review or had an opportunity to compare these two recordings? Marcus Hand (pyuxt!marcus)