[net.music.classical] music and philosophy

jeffw@tekecs.UUCP (Jeff Winslow) (06/02/84)

I think I'm beginning to understand Tom Twiss's point - let me put it
this way: Each piece of music is part of a philosophical construct.
As such, a Cage work is essentially the same as, say, a Beethoven
symphony. ok - but here's a semi-rhetorical question: Why don't we just
do away with music and talk philosophy instead? I submit that a
Beethoven symphony is a much more appropriate rebuttal to this suggestion
than any Cage work. And that is why I make the distinction that Cage's
work belongs to the realm of philosophy, maybe not *rather* than music,
but *more* than music. And *that* is why it doesn't interest me.

				Jeff Winslow