[net.music.classical] Funny, I thought art was...

taylor@sdccsu3.UUCP (Dave Taylor) (07/21/84)

A form of communication between the artist and the observer.

(as opposed to 'a means of encapsulating the world'...(what a
typically half-baked phrase anyway!))

	Music-wise, I don't see why everyone has to be so hostile
about these things - rather than blindly assuming that if you
don't like some music that it is BAD, why not consider that perhaps
the particular form of communication that the musicians choose
simply doesn't strike the proper responsive chords (pardon the pun)
in your head?  Makes it all simple, huh?  I mean, personally, I am
not a huge fan of, say, Country music, but that does not mean that
there are 'faults' with the form, or that they don't have just as
much to communicate with their songs...

	Let's face it, everyone is so set on being RIGHT that they
automatically assume that their tastes are the particular ones that
the legislature should use as a basis to judge the acceptability
of new and unusual songs.  This is the same frame of mind as the
adults of the previous generation who claimed (and still claim) that
Rock and Roll is evil.  They just don't understand it!

	You wouldn't throw a Dali out because you don't like the
non-impressionistic schools of painting, would you?  So why condemn
forms of music, or try to explain why they are 'intrinsically bad'
just because you don't appreciate them?  Seems like a cheap way of 
justifying your own ego - again, because you don't like it, it sucks.

	Enough preaching.   My Art Appreciation teacher would be proud.

		Listening with open ears and mind,

				Dave Taylor

wildbill@ucbvax.UUCP (William J. Laubenheimer) (07/29/84)

Just thought I'd throw this in. It seems to be apropos to the situation.

	(ART   A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was
about eleven years old.  I'd be interested to hear from him.
There are so many pseudos around taking his name in vain.
		-- \\The Hipcrime Vocab// by Chad C. Mulligan)

Apologies to Chad and John Brunner.

                  ____                  Bill Laubenheimer
      ___       /      \       ___      UC-Berkeley Computer Science
     /   \     |  o  o  |     /   \     ucbvax!wildbill
          ...Killjoy was here!