[net.music.classical] Aesthetics and John Cage

D3U@PSUVM.BITNET (01/17/85)

ohn Cage has succeeded in creating unlistenable or unfathomable music?

 don't remember Cage actually having unlistenability or unfathomability asoals. In fact, quite the opposite, there is always a going deep into experienc
f music or in general. Much of Cage's music is fun, very much so, as he plays
ith various elements and even to the extent of creating what is often called
ixed or multi media. This is not snobbery but an invitation to experience- to

ome of us enjoy being challenged. We want our money and time back if the show
sn't as the philosopher John Dewey put it, AN EXPERIENCE. We like to get away

rom easy listening to go have an adventure.  If you can't set aside preconceiv
d notions, or absolutely need easy comprehension, don't force it, just wait an
 maybe you'll find something of the avant garde you like.

                       the cosmic Ray

Please forgive the chopped off characters. Cage would probably enjoy it,
but I really can't fix it when the bugs come out to munch. I posted this
to net.music without bugs a couple days ago. Saved it as a file but bugs
eat fetched files and I don't want to retype the whole thing as new file
Lately fetched files get eaten but what is composed on the spot in the
posting mode survives.
Hopefully more to follow when I have time. Including questions for
thought and some articles.