[net.music.classical] Early Music

wjm@whuxj.UUCP (MITCHELL) (05/10/84)

Thanks for all the recent articles about Renaissance music.  I've seen a
few interesting recordings that I'm thinking about adding to my collection
(which, although I have a fair amount of Vivaldi & Scarlatii, I have very little
pre-Baroque pieces).
Bill Mitchell
Whippany, NJ (whuxj!wjm)

emery@gypsy.UUCP (06/11/85)

There was an article in Sunday (9 JUN) New York Times on the Aston Magna
Early Music festival @ rutgers.

According to the article, there will be Bach concerts 22 JUN, 29 JUN and
6 JUL, at Nicholas Music Center, 8:00 PM.  Tickets are $5, $6, and $8.
In addition, there will be three free organ recitals, Fridays at 8:00 PM,
on 21 JUN, 29 JUN and 5 JUL, at the Voorhees Chapel.

On Thursdays at 5:00 PM, there will be some lectures.  Dates include
20 JUN, 27 JUN and 4 JUL; also lectures on 22 jUN @ 4:00 PM, 29 JUN and
6 JUL @ 4:00 PM, at the Nicholas Music Center.

The number for more information is (201) 932-7511.