[net.music.classical] Ruined Music

suhre@trwrba.UUCP (Maurice E. Suhre) (08/16/85)

I noticed some mention of "ruined" music.  Certainly the movie
Apocapalypse Now ruined The Ride of the Valkyeries for me.
Drat.  Double drat.  I cannot hear this music without seeing
the goddam helicopters!



gam@amdahl.UUCP (G A Moffett) (08/18/85)

In article <1547@trwrba.UUCP> suhre@trwrba.UUCP (Maurice E. Suhre) writes:
>I noticed some mention of "ruined" music.  Certainly the movie
>Apocapalypse Now ruined The Ride of the Valkyeries for me.
>Drat.  Double drat.  I cannot hear this music without seeing
>the goddam helicopters!

I keep thinking of the SCTV skit, "Vikings and Beekeepers" (title
is sung to the tune of...)
Gordon A. Moffett		...!{ihnp4,cbosgd,hplabs}!amdahl!gam

rlr@pyuxd.UUCP (Rich Rosen) (08/20/85)

> I noticed some mention of "ruined" music.  Certainly the movie
> Apocapalypse Now ruined The Ride of the Valkyeries for me.
> Drat.  Double drat.  I cannot hear this music without seeing
> the goddam helicopters!
> Maurice

You want to REALLY ruin it?  Think of the operatic cartoon with
Bug Bunny and Elmer Fudd, where Elmer sings:

"Ki-ill the wabbit, Ki-ill the wabbit, Ki-ill the wabbit... "

Then think of Pagliacci sung with the words:

"I've killed the wabbit, I have killed the poor wabbit..."

I don't think such things ruin music for me at all.  They just give
me a little giggle once in a while when thinking about it.
"There!  I've run rings 'round you logically!"
"Oh, intercourse the penguin!"			Rich Rosen    ihnp4!pyuxd!rlr

tynor@gitpyr.UUCP (Steve Tynor) (08/20/85)

In article <1920@amdahl.UUCP> gam@amdahl.UUCP (G A Moffett) writes:
>In article <1547@trwrba.UUCP> suhre@trwrba.UUCP (Maurice E. Suhre) writes:
>>I noticed some mention of "ruined" music.  Certainly the movie
>>Apocapalypse Now ruined The Ride of the Valkyeries for me.
>>Drat.  Double drat.  I cannot hear this music without seeing
>>the goddam helicopters!
>I keep thinking of the SCTV skit, "Vikings and Beekeepers" (title
>is sung to the tune of...)

Oh no,  it's most definately 'Kill the Wabbit'.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.   
    Steve Tynor
    Georgia Instutute of Technology

 ...{akgua, allegra, amd, harpo, hplabs,
     ihnp4, masscomp, ut-ngp, rlgvax, sb1,
     uf-cgrl, unmvax, ut-sally}  !gatech!gitpyr!tynor

Steve Tynor
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

slb@drutx.UUCP (Sue Brezden) (08/20/85)

This is not a classical piece, but one ruined bit of music
for me is "Have yourself a merry little Christmas".  I keep
thinking about the scene in "The Victors" (does anyone else
remember that movie) where a soldier who ran in battle is
exectuted (shot) to that tune.


                                     Sue Brezden
Real World: Room 1B17                Net World: ihnp4!drutx!slb
            AT&T Information Systems
            11900 North Pecos
            Westminster, Co. 80234

        Your god may be dead, but mine aren't.

marks@Cascade.ARPA (08/22/85)

Let us not forget the classic piece of ruined music:

    ta-ta-dum ta-ta-dum ta-ta-dum-dum-dum

You guessed it:  The Lone Ranger!
Stuart Marks, Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University
    {ucbvax,decvax}!decwrl!glacier!marks, marks@su-cascade.ARPA

"The definition of 'cultured' is being able to listen to the William Tell
Overture and not once thinking of the Lone Ranger."

jeffw@tekecs.UUCP (Jeff Winslow) (08/26/85)

> --
> Let us not forget the classic piece of ruined music:
>     ta-ta-dum ta-ta-dum ta-ta-dum-dum-dum
> You guessed it:  The Lone Ranger!

Yes, but it was rehabilitated in "A Clockwork Orange".    :-)

					lover of reels...
						Jeff Winslow

fred@mnetor.UUCP (Fred Williams) (08/30/85)

In article <1547@trwrba.UUCP> suhre@trwrba.UUCP (Maurice E. Suhre) writes:
>I noticed some mention of "ruined" music.  Certainly the movie
>Apocapalypse Now ruined The Ride of the Valkyeries for me.
>Drat.  Double drat.  I cannot hear this music without seeing
>the goddam helicopters!
    Just keep listening to it.  The music will outlive the movie.
The last generation, mine, had to put up with images of a masked
man on a horse every time we heard the William Tell over.  Now, I
can enjoy it again, because there is really so much more that the
music has to say.

Cheers,		Fred Williams