jsgray@watmath.UUCP (Jan Gray) (07/16/84)
July BYTE Table of Contents FEATURES - Introduction - Symphony: A Full-Orchestra Version of Lotus 1-2-3 - Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar: A Musical Telephone Bell - The West Coast Faire - An Ada Language Primer, Part 2: Tool Building in Ada - Kermit: A File-Transfer Protocol for Universities, Part 2: States and Transitions, Heuristic Rules and Examples THEME: VIDEO - Introduction - Electronic Encylopedias - Televisions as Monitors - Computer Control of a Video Recorder - Videodiscs and Computers - Controlling Videodiscs with Micros REVIEWS - Reviewer's Notebook - The Sage II and Sage IV Computers - The Compaq Plus - Xenix for the IBM PC XT - Turbo Pascal - Lisp for the IBM Personal Computer - The Smith-Corona L-1000 Printer - Review Feedback KERNEL - Introduction - Computing at Chaos Manor: The AT&T Computers - BYTE West Coast: Trends in Telecommunications - BYTE Japan: Start-Up - Mathematical Recreations: Invariance (Plus the editorial, letters, etc) Jan Gray (jsgray@watmath.UUCP) University of Waterloo (519) 885-1211 x3870