[net.mag] TOC for Dr. Dobb's Journal, Aug-84

jr@foros1.UUCP (John Rogers) (08/12/84)

ARTICLES:	"SCISTAR: Greek and Math Symbols with WordStar"

		"What's the Diff?  A File Comparator for CP/M Plus",
		by D. E. Cortesi [using Paul Heckel's algorithm, pretty
		fancy, uses hash sums, collapses duplicate lines, has
		source code in Pascal, generates an ED script.]

		"An Infinite Key Encryption System" [includes source
		code in 8080/Z80 assembler]

		"A Small-C Concordance Generator", by John Staneff
		[includes source code in Small-C]

COLUMNS:	"Dr. Dobb's Clinic", by D. E. Cortesi [books on how
		to implement various math functions on computers;
		using SUBMIT files longer than 128 lines (you can't
		under CP/M v2); the old SAVE bug in MBASIC (the bug
		was translated from CP/M MBASIC to the IBM PC's BASICA);
		precision of BASIC single and double precision; polling
		loops in applications (vs. multiuser systems)]

		"16-Bit Software Toolbox", by Ran Duncan [MORE BENCHMARKS!]

		"C/UNIX Programmer's Notebook", by Anthony Skjellum
		[availability of Small-C for various systems; includes
		listing of "standard" fopen() and fclose() routines for
		BDS C]

SOFTWARE REVIEWS:  PC-Write, PC Small-C 2.0 [from The Coriolis Company]

LETTERS:	[one includes an 8080 assembler routine that runs under
		C, to search for strings within strings; another includes
		8086 assembler source to play around with MS-DOS directory
		listings; another talks about a bugs in RMAC and DRI's lack
		of support (even when you pay $250/year for support)]

				Happy hacking!
				JR (John Rogers)
				also fortune!jr and proper!jr