[net.mag] TOC for Computer Language - Premier Issue

jr@foros1.UUCP (John Rogers) (08/12/84)

[Note: Computer Language is a new magazine, started by one of the
people who used to work at Dr. Dobb's (Craig LaGrow).  The first issue
isn't all the great if you ask me, but I'll definitely keep an eye on
it.  I may also end up being on their board of reviewers too.]

[One interesting thing about this magazine is that there's an associated
bulletin board, where you can download source code, send letters to the
editor, send manuscripts, subscribe, etc.  The number is (415) 957-9370
(300/1200 bps).  I haven't tried it yet; if anyone does, please send me
mail and let me know how it is.]

ARTICLES:	"BASIC Becomes a Structured Language" by John G. Kemeny,
		Thomas E. Kurtz, and Brig Elliott [written by the guys
		who invented BASIC 20 years ago; they're promoting "True
		BASIC", which is a *lot* better.]

		"Programming in the UNIX Environment" by Bruce H. Hunter
		[A quick summary of the "languages" available, including
		C, the Bourne shell, RATFOR, AWK, F77, Pascal, YACC, and
		LEX.  I sure hope the next guy who writes about UNIX for
		this magazine actually knows something about UNIX, because
		I have my doubts about this guy.]

		"Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, and Quicksort Compared",
		by Richard G. Larson [Discusses criteria for choosing the
		"right" sort for a given application; includes source code
		in Pascal.]

		"Improve Your Programming with Structured Techniques"
		by Dr. Joseph B. Rothstein.  [Ho, hum.]

		"COBOL Pride and Prejudice" by Robert Wagner.  [ZZZzzzz....]

		"Exploring Ada and Modula-2" by Namir Clement Shammas.

COLUMNS:	"Back To The Drawing Board" by Burton Bhavisyat.  [A
		"send-us-your-letters-and-we'll-solve-your-problems" column.
		This issue just talks about possible areas of discussion;
		probably just about anything, from the sounds of it.]

		"Designer's Debate" by Ken Takara.  [Forth vs. C.]

		"Public Domain Software Review" by Tim Parker.  [Definition
		of "public domain"; where to get software (CPMUG and RCPM
		systems); FINDBAD; LINKASM; RESOURCE; various others.  Too
		brief, but a good start.]

		"Exotic Language of the Month Club" by Ralph E. Griswold
		and Madge T. Griswold.  [SNOBOL4]

		"Computervisions" [a monthly interview column] by Leo Brodle.
		[Interview with Charles Moore, the inventor of Forth.]

SOFTWARE REVIEWS: Modula-2/86 from LogiTech for MS-DOS, PC-DOS, or CP/M-86;
		Professional BASIC from Morgan Computing Co. for PC-DOS;
		Turbo Pascal v2.0 from Borland International for CP/M-80,
		MS-DOS, PC-DOS, or CP/M-86.

					Happy hacking!
				JR (John Rogers)
				also fortune!jr and proper!jr