robertj@tektronix.UUCP (Robert Jaquiss) (10/08/84)
Here at long last is a summary of what I got from my request for information on computer crime/security periodicals. Thanks to everyone who responded. If there is any aditional followup I will resummarize. Robert S. Jaquiss Jr. ucbvax!tektronix!robertj (uucp) robert jaquiss@tektronix (csnet) robert jaquiss.tektronix@rand-relay (arpanet) (503) 627-6346 (audio phone at work) ----------------- From: decvax!genrad!bolton!gordon Date: Thu, 20 Sep 84 05:25:04 edt Subject: Re: Periodicals on computer crime/security The University of Kentucky has an annual conference: The Carnahan Conference of Crime and Security (approximately the correct title). I don't know if they publish their proceedings, but you might look into this. Almost every year there are sessions on computer crime. Gordon Partridge, GenRad, Inc., Mail Stop 98, Route 117, Bolton, MA 10740 From: P von Glahn <vonglahn@UDEL-EE> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 84 14:28:18 EDT Subject: Computer Security Pubs Bob: Two useful publications in the area of computer security technology are: "Computers and Security" from Elsevier Science Publishers of Amsterdam. Quarterly technical journal from IFIP TC-11. Includes survey of current literature relating to subject in each issue. Annual subscription for libraries $89.00, for private parties ~$45.00. US Subscription address: Elsevier Science Publishing Co, Inc Journal Information Center 52 Vanderbilt Ave New York, NY 10017 "ACM Transactions on Computer Systems" from ACM. Quarterly technical journal with one-two articles related to computer security each issue. Annual subscription is $70 ($20 for ACM members) Subscripttion Address: Association for Computing Machinery PO Box 12105 Church Street Station New York, NY 10249 Good luck, pete From: ihnp4!alberta!calgary!keenan Date: Thu, 27 Sep 84 22:42:10 mdt Subject: Re: Periodicals on computer crime/security Sorry for the messy mail I sent you, i had a terminal problem. The main journal is comp[uters and security published by elsavier North Hollandc with offices in New York The editor in chief is Dr. harold Joseph Highland State university of new York 562 Croydon Road Elmont, NY 11003 There is another published by the computer security isntitute in Massachusettes but I don't have a coy handy. From: P von Glahn <vonglahn@UDEL-EE> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 84 20:46:16 EDT Subject: More security pubs Bob: Another periodical that you may or may not find useful: "ACM SIGSAC Review" published by ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control. More or less quarterly, this publication addresses mostly security audit topics. Available through ACM (1Association for Computing Machinery, 11 West 42nd Street, NYC 10036). SIC membership is $12 for ACM members, $26 otherwise. Good luck, again. I'd like to get a copy of your list when you get it done. pete From: hplabs!ucbvax!WMARTIN@SIMTEL20.ARPA Date: Wed 3 Oct 84 08:18:48-MDT Subject: Re: Periodicals on computer crime/security Sorry for the delay in sending this info; I have been away a week and am catching up on the backlog. I have an ad here in front of me from: Computer Security Institute 43 Boston Post Road Northborough, MA 01532 (617) 845-5050 which is a place I have received ads from for some years noe. They are advertising the COMPUTER SECURITY QUARTERLY, described as "A Godsend for the Security Practicioner" (perhaps a bit of hyperbole there...). Anyway, subscription rates for CSI members are $32, non-members $35. Due to rise to $40, but when is unspecified. Will be billed after first issue is sent. Hope this is of use, Will Martin From: P von Glahn <vonglahn@UDEL-EE> Date: Wed, 3 Oct 84 13:12:22 EDT Subject: Re: Computer security periodicalls Bob, I, too have seen the ad from the Computer Security Institute re 'Computer Security Quarterly.' My understanding is that the Institute (and its publication) deals with large system / central site ADP system security from the viewpoint of the system security manager. They get concerned with security audit, system security packages, backup procedures, disaster planning, etc. Since my interests are in the technical aspects of computer system security and security architectures, I haven't looked further into the Institute (since I assume that my interests and its don't overlap much). Hope this helps some. pete