davidst@teklabs.UUCP (09/16/83)
September 12, 1983, Vol. XVII, No. 37, Page 1 HACKING: MARK OF GENIUS OR PLAIN THEFT? By Jeffry Beeler ComputerWorld West Coast Bureau "... They call themselves `hackers.'" Thus ComputerWorld, alledged "newsweekly for the computer community" joined the media word-stomp. A mark of stupidity or just plain ignorance? <flame on> Jeffry must be one of those folks who studied journalism in school instead of studying the subject about which he intended to report. With this kind of help, hackers-of-the-first-kind better find themselves a new monicker. <flame off> If you'd like to vent a little spleen on this guy, his bureau chief, and perhaps the home office: CW West Coast Bureau 257 Lytton Avenue Palo Alto, California, 94301 415-328-8064 John C. Whitmarsh, Editor ComputerWorld Box 880, 375 Cochituate Road Framingham, Massachusetts, 01701 617-879-0770 telex: 95-1153 Regards! David Stubbs uucp: {ucbvax,decvax,pur-ee,ihnss,chico}!teklabs!davidst CSnet: teklabs!davidst@tek ARPAnet: teklabs!davidst.tek@rand-relay USPS: David Stubbs Electronic Systems Laboratory, MS 50-383 Tektronix, Inc. PO Box 500 Beaverton OR 97077 Phone: 503-627-2627 -- David D. Stubbs