[net.mag] source for magazine storage boxes?

graham@convex.UUCP (02/20/85)

I once worked for someone who had a catalog which listed boxes for storing
magazines.  Each box is intended to store 12 issues, and they offered
various sizes: CACM size, National Geographic size, etc.. (The sizes were in
inches, but you get the idea.)  I have seen such boxes offered various
places, but always for prices much in excess of those I remember: on the
order of $0.50 to $0.75 for each box.  Other offers range from $3.95 per
box up.  Does anyone know of a source of reasonably priced magazine storage
boxes?  (I think ~$1.00 or less per box is reasonable.)

Marv Graham; Convex Computer Corp. {allegra,ihnp4,uiucdcs,ctvax}!convex!graham

lazeldes@wlcrjs.UUCP (Leah A Zeldes) (02/22/85)

>Does anyone know of a source of reasonably priced magazine storage
>boxes?  (I think ~$1.00 or less per box is reasonable.)

Quill Corporation, 100 S. Schelter Rd., P.O. Box 4700, Lincolnshire, IL
60197-4700, (312) 634-4800, has these files starting at $10.68 per dozen
for the 11-3/4 x 4 x 9" size in fiberboard.  The price per dozen goes down
in larger quantities.  They have other sizes at a higher price ($14.99/doz.)
and more deluxe files at still higher prices.

					Leah A Zeldes