mauney@ncsu.UUCP (Jon Mauney) (03/07/85)
%A David Luckham %A Friedrich W. von Henke %T An Overview of Anna, a Specification Language for Ada %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 9-22 %D March 1985 %X The Anna approach to specification language design strengthens the existing explanatory constructs in Ada and adds new ones where there is an obvious need %A David S. Rosenblum %T A Methodology for the Design of Ada Transformation Tools in a DIANA Environment %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 24-33 %D March 1985 %X Implementing and testing transformations incrementally makes DIANA-based Ada software tools easier to debug and more efficient %A T. P. Baker %A G. A. Riccardi %T Ada Tasking: From Semantics to Efficient Implementations %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 34-46 %D March 1985 %X tasking is one of the strengths of Ada and, contrary to some opinion, can be implemented for a single shared processor by simple, straightforward and efficient algorithms %A David Helmbold %A David Luckham %T Debugging Ada Tasking Programs %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 47-57 %D March 1985 %X Debuggers for parallel programs have to be more than passive information gatherers -- they should automatically detect errors. Powerful task debuggers for Ada can be constructed by extending existing tools that detect deadlock. %A Alexander L. Wolf %A Lori A. Clarke %A Jack C. Wileden %T Ada-Based Support for Programming-in-the-Large %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 58-71 %D March 1985 %X Specialized language features and an integrated set of tools can help developers of a large software system describe, analyze, organize, and manage its many modules %A Robert V. Rubin %A Eric J. Golin %A Steven P. Reiss %T ThinkPad: A Graphical System for Programming by Demonstration %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 73-79 %D March 1985 %X Specifying complex programs may become easier if the programming system allows the programmer to manipulate data structures graphically %A M. D. Weiser %A J. D. Gannon %A P. R. McMullin %T Comparison of Structural Test Coverage Metrics %J IEEE Software %V 2 %N 2 %P 80-85 %D March 1985 %X Empirically comparing structural test coverage metrics reveals that test sets that satisfy one metric are likely to satisfy another metric as well. -- *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR SIGNATURE *** Jon Mauney mcnc!ncsu!mauney C.S. Dept, North Carolina State University