[net.mag] TOC: IEEE Software, v2 #2, March 1985

mauney@ncsu.UUCP (Jon Mauney) (03/07/85)

%A David Luckham
%A Friedrich W. von Henke
%T An Overview of Anna, a Specification Language for Ada
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 9-22
%D March 1985
%X The Anna approach to specification language design strengthens the
existing explanatory constructs in Ada and adds new ones where there is 
an obvious need 

%A David S. Rosenblum
%T A Methodology for the Design of Ada Transformation Tools in a
DIANA Environment 
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 24-33 
%D March 1985
%X Implementing and testing transformations incrementally makes DIANA-based
Ada software tools easier to debug and more efficient 

%A T. P. Baker
%A G. A. Riccardi
%T Ada Tasking: From Semantics to Efficient Implementations
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 34-46 
%D March 1985
%X tasking is one of the strengths of Ada and, contrary to some opinion,
can be implemented for a single shared processor by simple, straightforward 
and efficient algorithms 

%A David Helmbold
%A David Luckham
%T Debugging Ada Tasking Programs
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 47-57 
%D March 1985
%X Debuggers for parallel programs have to be more than passive information
gatherers -- they should automatically detect errors.  Powerful task debuggers 
for Ada can be constructed by extending existing tools that detect deadlock. 

%A Alexander L. Wolf
%A Lori A. Clarke
%A Jack C. Wileden
%T Ada-Based Support for Programming-in-the-Large
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 58-71 
%D March 1985
%X Specialized language features and an integrated set of tools can help
developers of a large software system describe, analyze, organize,
and manage its many modules

%A Robert V. Rubin
%A Eric J. Golin
%A Steven P. Reiss
%T ThinkPad: A Graphical System for Programming by Demonstration 
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 73-79 
%D March 1985
%X Specifying complex programs may become easier if the programming system
allows the programmer to manipulate data structures graphically 

%A M. D. Weiser
%A J. D. Gannon
%A P. R. McMullin
%T Comparison of Structural Test Coverage Metrics
%J IEEE Software
%V 2
%N 2
%P 80-85 
%D March 1985
%X Empirically comparing structural test coverage metrics reveals that test
sets that satisfy one metric are likely to satisfy another metric as well. 



Jon Mauney    mcnc!ncsu!mauney    C.S. Dept, North Carolina State University