mauney@ncsu.UUCP (Jon Mauney) (03/07/85)
%A David Lee Tuomenoksa %A Howard Jay Siegel %T Task Scheduling on the PASM Parallel Processing System %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 145-157 %D February 1985 %K Distributed processing, multimicroprocessor systems, multiple SIMD systems parallel processing, partitionable SIMD/MIMD systems, PASM reconfigurable computer systems, scheduling %A David M. Weiss %A Victor R. Basili %T Evaluating Software Development by Analysis of Changes: Some Data from the Software Engineering Laboratory %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 157-168 %D February 1985 %K software change analysis, software change data, software errors software measurement %A Ian J. Hayes %T Applying Formal Specification to Software Development in Industry %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 169-178 %D February 1985 %K CICS, formal specification, large scale software %A Taiichi Yuasa %A Reiji Nakajima %T IOTA: A Modular Programming System %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 179-187 %D February 1985 %K Cooperative program development, data abstraction, formal specification modular programming, module database, program verification programming system, separate compilation, syntax-directed editing %A Judith B. Peachey %A Richard B. Bunt %A Charles J. Colbourn %T Some Empirical Observations on Program Behavior with Applications to Program Restructuring %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 188-193 %D February 1985 %K Bradford-Zipf distribution, clustering, paging, program behavior program restructuring %A Simonetta Balsamo %A Giuseppe Iazeolla %T Product-Form Synthesis of Queueing Networks %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 194-199 %D February 1985 %K Aggregation, disaggregation, equivalent network, hierarchical design, networks of queues, queueing theory, software engineering, system synthesis %A Shojiro Muro %A Toshihide Ibaraki %A Hidehiro Miyajima %A Toshiharu Hasegawa %T Evaluation of the File Redundancy in Distributed Database Systems %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 199-205 %D February 1985 %K Communication cost, distributed database systems, file allocation problem file redundancy, simple plant location problem %A Arvola Chan %A Robert Gray %T Implementing Distributed Read-Only Transactions %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 205-212 %D February 1985 %K Concurrency control, multiversion, read-only transactions transaction recovery, two-phase locking %A Hung-Chang Du %T On the File Design Problem for Partial Match Retrieval %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 213-222 %D February 1985 %K Database design, file structures, multikey hashing, NP-hard partial match retrieval %A Ravishankar K. Iyer %A Paola Velardi %T Hardware-Related Software Errors: Measurement and Analysis %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 223-231 %D February 1985 %K Hardware/software interactions, recovery analysis, software reliability %A Howard A. Jensen %A K. Vairavan %T An Experimental Study of Software Metrics for Real-Time Software %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 231-234 %D February 1985 %K program length, real-time software, software complexity, software metrics %A E. G. Coffman, Jr. %A T. T. Kadota %A L. A. Shepp %T On the Asymptotic Optimality of First-Fit Storage Allocation %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 2 %P 235-239 %D February 1985 %K analysis of algorithms, data structures, synamic storage allocation first-fit allocation -- *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR SIGNATURE *** Jon Mauney mcnc!ncsu!mauney C.S. Dept, North Carolina State University