pdbain@wateng.UUCP (Peter Bain) (03/26/85)
%l journal-article %A David A. Patterson %T Reduced Instruction Set Computers %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 8-21 %K RISC architecture ibm 801 mips VLSI microprocessors CPU %X Reduced instruction set computing offers the best chance of heading off a "computer recall" stage of the development cycle in the VLSI area %l journal-article %A C.L. Seitz %T The Cosmic Cube %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 22-33 %K parallel computer architecture concurrent message passing object-oriented programming VLSI systems %X An experimental computer for exploring highly concurrent computing, the Cosmic Cube use message switching instead of shared variables for communicating between concurrent processes. %l journal-article %A J.R. Gurd %A C.C. Kirkham %A I. Watson %T The Manchester Prototype Dataflow COmputer %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 34-52 %K data flow architecture tagged token single assignment language sisal %X Using tagged token dataflow, the Manchester processor is running reasonably large user programs at rates of between 1 and 2 MIPS %l journal-article %A J. Minker %T Computer Professionals Whose Scientific Freedom and Human Rights Have Been Violated - 1984 %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 69-78 %X A Report of the ACM Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights %l journal-article %A R.E. Berry %A B.A.E. Meekings %T A Style Analysis of C Programs %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 80-88 %K software engineering metrics %X The C programs comprising the Unix operating system are subjected to stylistic analysis with intruiging results %l journal-article %A J.C. Nash %T Design and Implementation of a Very Small Linear Algebra Program Package %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 89-94 %K mathematical software %X The design of extremely compact code allows serious mathematical calculations to be run on very small computers that do not accomodate FORTRAN or allow easy transfer of source code into machine memory %l journal-article %A Susan M. Merritt %T An Inverted Taxonomy of Sorting Algorithms %J CACM %I ACM %V 28 %N 1 %D January 1985 %P 96-99 %K sort split join easy hard merge sort quicksort exchange insertion selection sinking bubble %X A New way of thinking about sorts - either hardsplit/easyjoin or easysplit/hardjoin - reveals certain symmetries among sorting algorithms -- - peter bain ...!{allegra|decvax|clyde|ihnp4 }!watmath!wateng!pdbain hard mail: CCNG, CPH-2369A, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. Canada N2M 5G4 telephone: (519) 885-1211 x2810