jnw@uvacs.UUCP (09/19/83)
For those who are upset at the CBS evening news for misusing the word hacker on last Wednesday's (?) show and want to give them a little call, I'll tell you their phone number. CBS evening news, NY 212/975-3691 If you tell them you're upset by the misuse of the term 'hacker' as being the same as 'system cracker' and leave your name (so they'll know that you're a real person (not just a crank), they may feel upset enough to publicly announce their misuse of the term. My guess is that 1000 or so phone calls would be enough. What do you think? <<DISCLAIMER>> - I am not suggesting that you call the CBS evening news, I am merely providing their telephone number (a matter of public record) to make it easier for you to call should you decide that's what you want to do. joe wilson Univ. of Virginia uucp: ...decvax!duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!jnw CSnet: jnw@uvacs Arpa: jnw.uvacs@udel-relay