mauney@ncsu.UUCP (Jon Mauney) (06/20/85)
%A Richard P. Braegger %A Andreas M. Dudler %A Juerg Rebsamen %A Carl August Zehnder %T Gambit: an interactive database design tool for data structures, integrity constraints, and transactions %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 574-583 %D JUL 1985 %K data modules, database design, database programming language, entity relationship model, integrity constraints, propagation path concept %A David B. Farmer %A Roger King %A David A. Myers %T The semantic database constructor %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 583-591 %D JUL 1985 %K database implementation, database physical design, semantic implementation, update propagation %A Sakti P. Ghosh %T An application of statistical databases in manufacturing testing %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 591-598 %D JUL 1985 %K manufacturing process, manufacturing testing, statistical database %A Susan D. Urban %A Joseph E. Urban %A Wayne D. Dominick %T Utilizing an executable specification language for an information system %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 598-605 %D JUL 1985 %K abstract execution, executable specifications, information storage and retrieval, prototyping %A Benjamin W. Wah %A Yao-nan Lien %T Design of distributed databases on local computer systems with a multiaccess network %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 606-619 %D JUL 19855 %K broadcast, concurrency control, file allocation, local computer network, multiaccess bus, priority, query processing, transaction %A Arthur M. Keller %A Marianne Winslett Wilkins %T On the use of an extended relational model to handle changing incomplete information %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 620-633 %D JUL 19855 %K databases, incomplete information, null values, relational databases, updates %A Christine parent %A Stefano Spaccapietra %T An algebra for a general entity-relationship model %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 634-643 %D JUL 19855 %K algebra, agebraic operators, completeness, data manipulation language, data model, entity-relationship model %A David Maier %A David Rozenshtein %A Jacob Stein %T Representing roles in universal scheme interfaces %J IEEE-TSE %V SE-11 %N 7 %P 644-652 %D JUL 19855 %K access path, automatic database navigation, database query language, generalization kierarchy, relational database, unique role assumption, universal scheme interface -- Jon Mauney