[net.mag] TOC, Computer, May 1985

pdbain@wateng.UUCP (Peter Bain) (06/21/85)

%A Gary H. Sockut
%T A Framework for Logical Level Changes within Database Systems
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 9-27
%X Logical-level changes within a database system have generic
characteristics that can be identified and grouped to form a powerful
conceptual framework
%K relational codasyl dbtg network relational conversion

%A Masasuke Morita
%T Japanese Text Input System
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 29-35
%X Written Japanese presents a number of difficulties for keyboard
operators. This system combines a new keyboard and software program to
make input easier and faster
%K kanji keyboard

%A John DeRosa
%A Richard Glackemeyer
%A Thomas Knight
%T Design and Implementation of the VAX 8600 Pipeline
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 38-48
%X VAX 8600 pipelining allows the processing of as many as four
macroinstructions at once. In addition, the machine cycle time is cut
by more than half.
%K microcoding

%A Marshall D. Abrams
%T Observations on Operating a Local Area Network
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 51-65
%X Local networks, part of the evolving data communications environment,
provide shared use of resources through a hierarchy of value added
%K lan lacn internetwork resource sharing distributed systems

%A martin Bartschi
%T An Overview of Information Retrieval Subjects
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 67-84
%X Fuzzy set models, vector space models, and probabilistic models
have all been proposed to information retrieval problems. Despite
such efforts, many of these problems remain unsolved.
%K fuzzy set vector space probabilistic document recovery keyword

%A Barry G. Silverman
%T Software Cost and Productivity: An Analogical View
%J Computer
%V 18
%N 5
%D May 1985
%P 86-96
%X By making small adjustments in information flows and job designs,
software mangers can reuse existing software more effectively.
%K software reuse analogy software engineering life cycle model

   - peter bain
...!{allegra|decvax|clyde|ihnp4 }!watmath!wateng!pdbain
hard mail:	CCNG, CPH-2369A, University of Waterloo,
	Waterloo, Ont. Canada N2M 5G4
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