[net.mag] IEEE Trans on Software Engineering, v11 n10, Oct 1985

mauney@ncsu.UUCP (Jon Mauney) (12/13/85)

%A Aaron H. Konstam
%A Donald E. Wood
%T Software science applied to APL
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 994-1000 
%D OCT 1985
%K APL, language level, software metrics, software science

%A Clyde P. Kruskal
%A Alan Weiss
%T Allocating independent subtasks on parallel processors
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1001-1016 
%D OCT 1985
%K parallel processing, performance analysis, queueing analysis, scheduling

%A Fabio Panzieri
%A Brian Randell
%T Interfacing UNIX to data communications networks
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1016-1032 
%D OCT 1985
%K datagrams, network protocols, networks, Newcastle Connection, Unix

%A Ray Ford
%A Keith Miller
%T Abstract data type development and implementation: an example
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1033-1037 
%D OCT 1985
%K abstract data type, computer vision, implementation of data abstraction,
software development methodology 

%A Arie Shoshani
%A Harry K. T. Wong
%T Statistical and scientific database issues
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1040-1047 
%D OCT 1985
%K databse management, multidimensional data, scientific databases,
statistical databases 

%A M. A. Bassiouni
%T Data compression in scientific and statistical databases
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1047-1058 
%D OCT 1985
%K coding techniques, data compression, data storage, data transmission,
scientific/statistical databases 

%A Setrag N. Khoshafian
%A Douglas M. Bates
%A David J. DeWitt
%T Efficient support of statistical operations
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1058-1070 
%D OCT 1985
%K buffer management, database management systems,linear least-squares,
QR decomposition, secondary storage, singular value factorization,  
statistical databases 

%A Gultekin Ozsoyoglu
%A Zehra Meral Ozsoyoglu
%T Statistical database query languages
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1071-1081 
%D OCT 1985
%K database systems, data definition, data manipulation,
query languages, statistical databases 

%A Neil C. Rowe
%T Antisampling for estimation: an overview
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1081-1091 
%D OCT 1985
%K estimation, expert systems, inequalities, parametric optimization,
query processing, sampling, statistical computing, statistical databases 

%A Stephen F. Lundstrom
%A Earl E. Swartzlander, Jr.
%T Forword: advances in distributed computing systems
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1092-1096 
%D OCT 1985
%X intro to special section on distributed computing

%A Arbee L. P. Chen
%A Victor O. K. Li
%T An optimal algorithm for processing distributed star queries
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1097-1107 
%D OCT 1985
%K distributed database systems, optimal algorithms, query optimization,
relational data model, semijoin programs, semijoin selectivity, star queries 

%A Donald M. Topkis
%T Concurrent broadcast for information dissemination
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1107-1112 
%D OCT 1985
%K adaptive routing, broadcast, communication complexity, concurrent broadcast,
distributed computation, distributed database, information dissemination, 
time complexity 

%A James P. Huang
%T Modeling of software partition for distributed real-time applications
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1113-1126 
%D OCT 1985
%K distributed real-time applications, maximally allowed task execution time,
order of module execution, partitioning efficiency, precedence relation, 
response time performance, software partition 

%A Kwei-Jay Lin
%A John D. Gannon
%T Atomic remote procedure call
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1126-1135 
%D OCT 1985
%K atomic action, concurrency, distributed system, reliability,
remote procedure call 

%A Boleslaw Szymanski
%A Yuan Shi
%A Noah S. Prywes
%T Synchronized distributed termination
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1136-1140 
%D OCT 1985
%K decentralized algorithms, distributed programming, distributed systems,
networks, termination detection 

%A John A. Stankovic
%T Stability and distributed scheduling algorithms
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1141-1152 
%D OCT 1985
%K bidding, distributed computing, real time, stability, stochastic learning

%A Lionel M. Ni
%A Chong-Wei Xu
%A Thomas B. Gendreau
%T A distributed drafting algorithm for load balancing
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1153-1161 
%D OCT 1985
%K bidding algorithm, computer network, distributed algorithm, distributed
operation system, distributed system, load balancing, process migration, 
system performance 

%A Keith A. Lantz
%A William I. Nowicki
%A Marvin M. Theimer
%T An empirical study of distributed application performance
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1162-1174 
%D OCT 1985
%K concurrency, distributed programming, distributed systems, performance
evaluation, protocol design, protocol implementation 

%A Amit P. Sheth
%A Anoop Singhal
%A Ming T. (Mike) Liu
%T An analysis of the effect of network parameters on the performance
of distributed database systems 
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1174-1184 
%D OCT 1985
%K concurrency control, distributed databases, interconnection network,
long haul network, network topology, queueing analysis, response time,

%A C. S. Raghavendra
%A Slim Hariri
%T Reliability optimization in the design of distributed systems
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1184-1193 
%D OCT 1985
%K distributed systems, iterative algorithms, pattern search method,
reliability optimization, terminal reliability 

%A Sol M. Shatz
%T Post-failure reconfiguration of CSP programs
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1193-1202 
%D OCT 1985
%K CSP programs, distributed computing, fault-tolerance, process merging,
softare reconfiguration 

%A Alexander Thomasian
%A Paul F. Bay
%T Integrated performance models for distributed processing in computer
communication networks 
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1203-1216 
%D OCT 1985
%K approximate solution, decomposition and iteration, distributed processing,
large scale queueing network model, memory constrained multiprogrammed 
computer system, window flow control 

%A Kumkum Garg
%T An approach to performance specification of communication protocols
using timed Petri nets 
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1216-1225 
%D OCT 1985
%K distributed computer systems, natural-deduction theorem proving,
performance evaluation, performance modeling and analysis, Petri nets, 
protocol, protocol specifications, timed Petri nets 

%A M. Tamer Ozsu
%T Modeling and analysis of distributed database concurrency control
algorithms using an extended Petri net formalism 
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1225-1240 
%D OCT 1985
%K concurrency control, distributed databases, performance evaluation,
Petri nets, simulation 

%A Mohammed G. Gouda
%A Hui-Seng Lee
%T Proving liveness and termination of systolic arrays using
communicating finite state machines 
%V SE-11
%N 10 
%P 1240-1251 
%D OCT 1985
%K communicating finite state machines, communication progress, systolic array,
termination, verification, VLSI 

Jon Mauney,    mcnc!ncsu!mauney         North Carolina State University