[net.net-people] 'rpw3' changes net address

rpw3@fortune.UUCP (07/04/84)

fortune!rpw3    Jul  4 04:34:00 1984

Due to a recent RIF (7/2/84), I am no longer with Fortune Systems
Corporation. (No editorials or flames, please! It's o.k.) Since I
have a system (guess what kind ;-} ), it will be joining the net
"sometime soon" (the Bay Area is somewhat jammed for news feeds right
now, but "foros1" looks o.k. as a primary feed - thanks, J.R.) as soon
as I get the larger disk I have on order (to hold /usr/spool/news !).
Personal mail may continue to be sent (for now) THROUGH "fortune"
to the address below. (I hope nobody's got "redwood", Lauren, 'cause
I've been using it for over a year now.) Additional mail feeds will
show up on my "signature" as they appear.

Sorry to upset any mailing lists, but these little things DO happen...

Rob Warnock

UUCP:	{ihnp4,ucbvax!amd}!fortune!redwood!rpw3
DDD:	(415)369-7437
USPS:	Suite 203, 4012 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA  94061