jrc@ritcv.UUCP (James R Carbin) (09/30/83)
Doesn't anyone out in netland (besides me) like Alan Alda? What so wrong with him earning some $ endorsing a product? Is it any different than other movie and TV stars who have done the same thing? And I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a M*A*S*H addict. Makes more sense to me than a lot of the current shows that have large followings. (I'll refrain from identifying any to keep down the number of flames.) Or is this, "I'm envious of Alan Alda month (because he made so much money?)" as ever, j.r.
engels@ihuxs.UUCP (SME) (10/05/83)
in response to "Does anyone else like Alan Alda?" I like M*A*S*H and therefore like Alan Alda as Hawkeye Pierce. But Alan Alda the person is a little too *groovy* for me.