[net.net-people] Final Orals Mazel Tov to Matt Crawford!

ktw@whuxi.UUCP (WOLMAN) (12/07/84)

[My doctorate is in English, but your pulse
seems regular enough to me. . . .]

Fantastic!  Congratulations!  I'm sure there were moments
when you were ready to pack the whole thing in and get a
chauffeur's license.  But it's one of those things that NO
ONE CAN EVER TAKE AWAY!  I defended my dissertation in the
English Department at the State Univ. of NY at Binghamton
(WHERE?) on November 6, 1975.  It was a pain in the ass, but
is one of those rituals you can look back on sooner or later
and recall with some fondness as a transitional moment in
your intellectual and/or career life.  I gather that at most
defenses (at least in the in-Humanities), everyone on your
committee takes a last shot at making you feel like a hack; I
hope it's different in the "hard" sciences.  In any case,
be proud.  I hope your hangover this morning is manageable!