[net.origins] Gish's fitness as creationist witness

lew@ihuxr.UUCP (Lew Mammel, Jr.) (04/17/84)

It may be that Clark had his reasons for not putting Gish on the stand
in the Arkansas Balanced Treatment trial. Ray mentioned that Gish was
cited by the plaintiffs.  These citations were to the purpose of showing
that creationism was held as a religious doctrine by the authors of the
Balanced Treatment Act and their supporters.  Gish was quoted in the
decision to this effect.

Gish may be a skilled debater, but he would probably have been a liability
under cross examination when the ACLU lawyers homed in on his religious
beliefs.  This is what happened with the UFO testimony. The particular
belief held by the witness in this case, as brought out by cross examination,
was that UFO's were a manifestation of the devil.

I have tried to "cross examine" Ray Miller by mail. In particular, I asked
if he believed in the "literal" truth of the Genesis Flood, and I asked
him to reveal the extent of the religious activities involved in his
Paluxy River excursion.

He has chosen to remain silent on both these questions, but on the witness
stand he would be obliged to answer.

	Lew Mammel, Jr. ihnp4!ihuxr!lew