[net.origins] misc. creationist comments

miller@uiucdcsb.UUCP (01/08/85)

I just got back from Christmas break over the weekend.  Several points need to
be addressed:

1) I've seen two reviews of SOR #4, from Greg Kuperberg & Mike Huybensz.  Mike
refers to one by Bill, but it must have scrolled off at our site already.  If
others have posted reviews, please mail them to me so I don't miss any.

2) SOR #5 won't be out until Feb. because: a) I haven't done much with it yet,
b) we are moving, c) I am setting up a creation/evolution debate by Drs. Gish &
Nelson on our campus next month (details later), d) etc. etc.  Have patience.

3) After SOR #5 is out, I'll respond to all of your reviews.  I've made a few
changes since the postings; mainly in the area of providing additional quotes
or references & revising unclear wording.  Most of the replies so far have been
rather silly in my opinion.  If people would read the references provided, a
lot of time would be saved.  The problem is: how do you provide people with
material short enough so they are likely to read it & yet long enough to give
them valid information?  I have expected virtually all of your replies, but to
include counter-replies in the text would require book length works.  One of
our main purposes in putting this together was to provide something the "man
(student) off the streets" was likely to read.  Students won't respond to the
statement "go read book blah" & so we put together short tracts.  For those who
want additional information and/or have challenges, a book list is included at
the end of each pamphlet.  At any rate, I'll post the counter-replies to the
net later (& then there will be counter-counter-replies, & counter-counter ...)

4) As to the discussion on where the Flood waters went, that issue is addressed
in detail in "The Genesis Flood".  This is another example of where people
simply do not do their homework.  (I also referenced it in SOR #3).  Briefly,
Morris describes a period of continental uplift with the waters draining into
the current ocean basins.  "Go read The Genesis Flood".  Now, of course, no one
will do it, & evolutionists will continue to distort the creationists' posi-

5) One person said he was going to post the account of the evolutionists' most
recent trip to the Paluxy River to videotape the fossil tracks.  Did that get
posted & I miss it?  Last month's BSAN has a most enlightening account of that
trip from the creationist side.  I may post that article soon since SOR #5 is
a while off yet.

A. Ray Miller
Univ Illinois