[net.origins] A Ray Miller

hua@cmu-cs-gandalf.ARPA (Ernest Hua) (02/24/85)

> I do wish the evolutionists on this net would do some minimal amount
> of self education before posting articles.  Alas, that seems to be as
> impossible as trying to find evidence of transitional forms.  But, for
> Stan's benefit:  ICR, as I pointed out, is *not* a membership organization.
> CRS is, but not ICR.  Dr. Gish is an *employee* of ICR; he is a member
> (presumably) of CRS, BSA, etc.  ICR is extremely influential, but consists
> of a small group of scientists on staff.  CRS is less influential, but
> has a membership of several hundred scientists.  It's the same difference
> as your own job, Stan, and groups like AAAS, ACM, etc.  But, on to a
> different subject ...

I wish you would stop wasting your breath on trivial concerns like whether
the ICR is a membership organization or not.  You know it, as well as, as
anyone, that that issue is of no concern.  The fact still stands, the ICR
insists on accepting the literal interpretation of the Bible.  How anyone
could support that as scientific is beyond my imagination.

The ICR is influencial because it claims to be a scientific organization
and has managed to fool many people into believing so.  I think our beloved
president is one of these fools.  It is living off of the reputation of
searching and discovering reality that scientists enjoy.  It is a disgrace
to an intelligent community.

> Someone passed the following into my hands the other day.  It, of course,
> should remind everyone of the Paluxy River data, which is fatal to the
> presumed evolutionary geological sequence.  One extra note, however:  no
> one can accuse the Soviet Union of having a "creationist bias".  In fact,
> this is the *last* thing I would expect to see in Pravda.
> ... [MORE]

I have no idea how the data presented and implied could possibly support

This is a clear example of a creationist technique:  Picking at examples
that evolution may not fully explain.

This type of argument does NOT support creationism.  I have yet to see
positive support for creationism.  It seems that all you people ever do
is debunking, most of the time, theories that YOU make up!  So when are
you going to provide some POSITIVE proof of creationism?!

In fact, when are you going to provide a clear description of the theory
of special creation?!  It seems that creationists have avoided that to
give themselves the ability to be vague and self-contradicting.

And please answer this:  Why do the NSF and other science organizations
reject creationism?!  Is it because they are not Christians?!

Once again, don't waste your time on the ICR membership issue!  It is
NOT relevant!
