arndt@lymph.DEC (05/28/85)
I couldn't get a path back to the person who posted to me so here it is on the net. Will that person try again and give me a new path perhaps? Warm Regards person. ************************************* Well . . . , I've finally got a few minutes to send a reply to your private mail. Welcome aboard. I had no idea who you were or anything about you when I used your piece as an example of what I think is very fuzzy thinking. Nice to meet you and continue the discussion. Let's give it a try. [you said] I realise from reading the net for a few months that it is probably foolish, rash and futile to reply to one of your postings (in this news group anyway) but I feel as though I should make a couple of things clear. ** Am I really that bad? Hmmmm. Or are you reading more into what I have said than is there. Anyway. [you continue] First, I'm a SHE. Everyone automatically assumes maleness and no alternative on the part of net readers, and it obviously isn't so. Enough for that. ** How am I to know your sex? Or care. It is purely a convention to assume you are male if unstated. Sounds like YOUR problem, rather than the rest of us. Are you one of those 'personhole' people? I hope not. IT'S A CONVENTION, that's all. Nothing sexist, personal or mean meant by it. Look, one chooses the hill upon which to make a stand. Choose better. [you] Piddly-shit out of the way, I'll address the main issue. If you are seriously a committed Christian, and do not admit of any other valid religion than Christianity (in other words, all else is heresy), then I am wasting my breath. I understand that you would not give any credence to anything I would have to say. But if you aren't, and you are interested in other ideas, then maybe this isn't a waste after all. ** Sigh. Please don't be a bigot . . .. I mean you've got me all wrapped up and delievered in a nice neat little package already. All I have to do is say I'm a 'committed' Christian and into the little box I go. What does 'committed' mean? I really believe in something? You use the word 'committed' like it was a disease. Aren't you committed to something? Isn't everyone? YOU WANT TO OPEN A DEBATE/DISCUSSION WITH ME AND START OUT BY MAKING ME GIVE UP MY POSITION OR BE LABELED SOME KIND OF A NITWIT????? Where did you learn debating or human relations? Have I now resorted to saying naughty things about you and lost you? Hope not. Look what you're saying about me if I admit to being a 'committed' Christian: o I believe everyone else is wrong o you would waste your breath talking to me o I wouldn't "give any credence to anything (you) have to say" o I'm not interested in any other ideas Of course I reject all of the above. I figure you must have been mugged by 'committed' Christians somewhere along the line and you still haven't gotten over it. I refuse to believe at this early stage in our conversation that you are a 'committed' anti-Christian bigot. [you continue] I was carefully raised a Catholic, so I'm familiar with the material. I could ask, for example, why the writings included in the New Testament were included and others left out. Had some or all of the Gnostic gospels been included, Christianity might be a quite different religion. How can it be said that the ones that were retained over time were because they are the word of God and not the others ? (when in fact it seems to be random factionalism that seems to have had most to do with it). ** Aside from an observation that most Catholics I know don't know Genesis from Revelation, but are taught the 'teachings' of the Church rather than how to study the scripture (a major point of the Reformation you may remember - Catholics were against it because it would lead to each man reading the scripture for himself rather than merely accepting what the RC Church teaches about scripture) I accept your claim to have read widely on the topic. However, I fear you have not read well. You demonstrate a marked ignorance of what a simple reading of an Ency article on the topic would give you. May I suggest the Ency of Phil., Paul Edwards, ed., 'Christianity'. I referenced it in a recent posting on the net on the topic of how the Bible got to be the Bible, etc. John Hick who wrote the article claims that Christianity is unique in that it is based upon events in history and the interpretation of those events, whereas other religions such as those you mention are based upon insight and speculation about the nature of life. He also gives a clear statement of how the books of the bible and the doctrines in them came to be stated by the Christians of a later time. The view you express was popular 50 - 100 years ago but it has fallen by the wayside with modern scholarship into the texts and the times. THERE WAS FROM THE EARLIEST A CORPUS OF EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTS THAT WAS CIRCULATED IN THE CHURCH IN THE FIRST CENTURY AND LATER COUNCILS DID NOT 'DECIDE' WHAT WAS CANNON AND WHAT WAS NOT BUT 'AFFIRMED' WHAT WAS ALWAYS HELD TO BE CANNONICAL AGAINST THE GNOSTICS AND OTHERS. Arguments against scripture have moved on to other topics and modern anti-Christian debators would blush at your statements. It sounds like you got stuck in a town library that has some old commentaries they never updated or threw out. [you continue] I hold that this religion Christianity is still a belief, and has the same validity as such as Buddhism or Sufi mysticism or any other belief system. That's the point I was trying to make. ** Ok. And there is where I disagree with you. You see two ways of 'knowing' and I see only one applied to religion/science. I hold that EVERY belief system must adhere to certain things to exist - be other than noise. It must, since it claims to express itself in terms of logic, be logical - recognizing the limits of logic!!! (THERE APPEARS TO BE NO INFINITE, ABSOLUTE STARTING POINT WHICH CANNOT BE DOUBTED! ERGO ASSUMPTIONS MAKE THE WORLD GO 'ROUND - IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, MATH, AND IN RELIGION!!!) We can 'test' assumptions (given the limits of time I mention below) by logic and expericence and draw FOREVER TENTATIVE (in this life at least) conclusions. WE ALL LIVE THE RELIGIOUS LIFE!!! WE ALL WALK BY FAITH! WE ALL 'WORSHIP' SOMEWHERE. WE ALL NEED GOD/S TO COMPLETE THE LOOP AND TAKE THE NEXT STEP - OR ELSE WE JUST MAKE NOISE(an interesting question is if we CAN really make only noise - if we can avoid making a logical statement with real 'noise',either on canvas, in print, or on the stage or music without being contradictory. Remember Theater of the Absurd died because it contradicted itself (and was boring) by making a meaningful statement that there is no meaning to anything). So . . ., logical; also account for ME as I perceive myself, my consciousness in other words, my desires, feelings, and the way the world appears to me as I observe it. A religious/scientific description of 'me', the world, etc. must 'fit'. I must be able to live by it. By now you have perhaps read the example I have posted of what I mean by 'fits' and live by it. The materialist who mourns the death of his child has a conflict between his 'world view' and his life. Your use of the word 'proof' in your previous posting which I replied to on the net and below is fuzzy if not wrong. To the modern mind 'proof' means degree of evidence - NOT CERTAINTY! You seem to think that there are 'hard' facts which science deals with and 'faith' which religion deals with. Bosh! Read any number of modern scientists and you will hear them say that they build their science on faith! And I don't mean a particular religious faith. [you continue] I have nothing against any particular religion, except as I said, having some one else's religion rammed down my throat. ** Does that mean you hold all religions to be equal?? But how can that be when they make opposing claims? Or does it mean you hold them equally stupid. What about YOUR 'religious' world view? Your starting point that of course is not based on 'fact', is it? Why do you choose the starting points that you do? Ever think about that? Who's 'ramming'? Does 'ramming' equal making claims to truth? My saying that what YOU believe is untrue? Aren't YOU 'ramming' your view in this sense? [you] I do belive some odd things that I can't prove, any more than I can prove that Christ is the son of an omniscient deity called God or Yahweh or whatever. But I'm not saying that your believing so is baloney (or that what I believe is incontrovertible fact, conversely). What I am saying is that the grounds for argument are completely based on belief, not on physical laws. I can't prove the existence of God in a Michaelson-Morley type experiment, but I still believe in one. Religion and objectivity don't seem to mix. ** Double bosh. Physical 'laws' are based upon faith. They are 'models' of the world. Ways of thinking that give certain results and would give different results if different models were used. YOU ARE TALKING 19C SCIENTIFIC EPISTOMOLOGY! Total 'objectivity' doesn't appear to be possible for us. It's another model. A construct of the human mind. RELIGION SHOULD BE JUDGED ON THE SAME BASIS AS SCIENTIFIC MODELS! Logical and 'fits'. Reread my posting that spoke to your 'fact'/'faith' posting. What color does sugar taste like? Physical 'laws' are about one set of thoughts and religious questions another. But all seems part of one reality. Remember Michaelson-Morley doesn't 'prove' anything. Look, all science is saying is that some things can apparently be repeated by independent observers. Does that 'prove' anything? Of course not. We live such short lives, even collectively, that what happens so many times in our view of it could be the exception in the totality of time. We believe by 'faith' that there is something to what we observe. An assumption because it's the best we can do with our instruments in the time scale we can observe. PLEASE DON'T TAKE AN UNEXAMINED RELIGIOUS VIEW OF SCIENCE. Leave that for Time-Life books and the anti-religious cranks. AND DON'T CLAIM THAT THERE IS SUCH A THING AS A NON-RELIGIOUS VIEW OF SCIENCE. Again, your statements confuse the notions of 'fact' and 'faith'. Regards and give me a new path, Ken Arndt PS. I'll answer your other question in a forthcoming epistle.