[net.origins] The truth about God

pez@pyuxn.UUCP (Paul Zimmerman) (08/16/85)

	Beth Chirsty, in reply to my earlier article, which I just
accidentally reposted (sorry), said that if that article wasn't satire,
``then something evil sure hurt this boy.'' She is most certainly right.
That something was and is God. The same evil monster who infests all our
lives with pain and frustration. A few other people have sent mail to me
complimenting me on my ``parody'' article.

	I don't want to disappoint any of you, but that article was most
definitely no parody at all. There exists a God, a hideous evil damager
monster, who uses His entropic force to shatter everything from individual
human lives to the universe at large.

	A perfect example: in the last article I mentioned the maxim about
how much easier it is to destroy than to create. This by itself is proof of
the existence of an unbalanced force, called entropy by scientists, which
is really the hateful will of the Damager-God. Another well worn maxim is
Murphy's Law. Among the famous corollaries to this is ``if you bring your
umbrella, it won't rain.'' Of course, the converse is that if you forget
your umbrella, it's almost sure to rain, given the right conditions of
course. Ever wonder why this is also a truism? Clearly it is because the
Damager-God is thwarted from His pleasurable act of causing you harm if
you have brought along protection from that harm. Naturally, another of
Murphy's (God's) corollaries takes effect in these circumstances: if it's
not one thing, it's another. God can always find a way to cause misery,
no matter how prepared you try to be, and He always will.

	Christians nowadays make a very big deal about prophesies of the
end of the world found in the Bible, claiming that ours is the generation
in which the prophesies come true. Have any of them ever stopped to think
about why those prophesies are so accurate? About what the source of
information was? Who else, but the Damager-God, could provide such
prophetic information? Of course the prophesies are accurate, He's only
telling you in advance what He plans to do! All the horrible catastrophes
He will beseige the Earth with at the ``Judgment Day.''

	Have any of these Christians thought about the role of Christianity
in these prophesies? To me it is quite clear. The prophesies speak of the
Devil (really God himself) having reign of the Earth during the millenia
after the death of Christ. Look at what religion has been the dominant
force in the world, through conquest, crusade, and colonialism since that
time. Yes, you've got it, Christianity! Christ was the Antichrist! Just as
surely as God is Satan.

	If you doubt that God is really Satan and vice versa, think about
this. Think about how terribly convenient it is to be able to point a
finger and say ``he did it'' when you do something bad. Since God does so
many bad things so often, including natural disasters, diseases, fomenting
hatred and war, etc. all the while claiming to be the ultimate good, being
able to say ``Satan did it'' must come in real handy. The Damager-God is a
listless shirker of responsibility. Notice how He didn't come down to Earth
himself. No, He sent his son to mislead the people and then suffer the
pains of crucifixion. This surely sounds more like the handiwork of some
sleazy movie Mafioso (sending His son to do the dirty work) and not the
awesome majestic benevolent God so often imagined.

	I am truly shocked that so many people thought my article was some
sort of satire. The preponderence of evidence makes it painfully obvious
that God does exist, and that He is one evil motherf*cker. He has built
into us a wish to see Him as a great and loving father, even though He
clearly is nothing of the sort. He uses this against us at every opportunity.

	I must say that the near unanimity of opinion that my article was
intended to be satirical frightens me a great deal. It means God has a
stranglehold on us all, believers or not. Even those among the atheists
and agnostics who responded to me thought the idea of a Damager-God was an
amusing satirical ploy at best. It's as if they were completely blinded by
the way this explanation of the universe answers many questions previously
unanswered by either the benevolent god explanation or the no god
explanation. The explanation fits, it makes sense, it explains the nature
of things better than any other. This thing science calls entropy manifests
itself in ways that can only be explained as deliberate, thoughtful,
malevolent action of a conscious deity. There is no evidence for a directly
opposite benevolent creative force to counteract entropy's destructiveness.
People talk about ``nature taking its course'', but certainly it is unable
to do this. God, the willful force of entropy and destruction and evil,
permeates nature and corrupts it beyond recognition.

	Some months ago, Dan Boscovich spoke of objective proof for his
beliefs. His ``proofs'' were a sham, and everyone from Hubeynz and Rosen
to Ellis and Wingate knew it. Yet he continues to believe along with many
others. Compare his ``objective proof'' to mine. My explanation answers
questions about the real world. Boscovich's explanation, apparently
borrowed from other Christian apologists, simply forces his ``good God''
explanation in any way it can, even where it doesn't make sense. A famous
Christian book currently available is called ``Why Bad Things Happen to
Good People''. I assume Christians have some contorted explanation for
this. Surely the simpler and far more fathomable explanation is that a
bad God does bad things to good people, because He likes it. Ever wonder
why good things always happen to bad people? Maybe because they act as
agents of God. By being bad, they provide God with more opportunities to
infect the world with His evil wanton destruction and pain. Thus they are

	Rich Rosen is right when he calls you all wishful thinkers. The
evidence is clear. It's staring you right in the face. But you choose to
think of the world as being run by a ``good'' God rather than a ``bad''
one, because it makes you more comfortable and less frightened. Yet Rosen
and his fellow atheists and materialists don't see the writing on the wall
either. When faced with willful destructiveness eating away at the world,
the scientific types throw up their hands and say ``that's entropy'' or
something like that. Surely willful evil cannot be disposed of by simply
saying it's a natural force of some sort. Such evil can only be attributed
to an evil heinous Damager-God. The one that millions of people worship
and pray to daily as the almighty force of good, taken in by his
manipulation and deception.
Paul Zimmerman - AT&T Bell Laboratories

jho@ihu1m.UUCP (Yosi Hoshen) (08/17/85)

> 	A perfect example: in the last article I mentioned the maxim about
> how much easier it is to destroy than to create. This by itself is proof of
> the existence of an unbalanced force, called entropy by scientists, which
> is really the hateful will of the Damager-God. 

If you notice from my postings, I am not on God's buddy list.  But
this time, I have to come to his defense.  There is nothing evil in
the concept of entropy.  It means that since there are many more random
states relative to what we perceive as ordered states, it is more
likely that the transitions will be to random states.  Implying
that in a closed system the tendency is towards disorder.  So,
there is nothing evil about entropy, but there is a lot of misunder-
Yosi Hoshen, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Naperville, Illinois,  Mail: ihnp4!ihu1m!jho

jmc@riccb.UUCP (Jeff McQuinn ) (08/19/85)

Man, I don't even believe in God and I think your sick!

			Jeff McQuinn just VAXing around

pez@pyuxn.UUCP (Paul Zimmerman) (08/19/85)

	No, Yosi, there is nothing inherently evil about entropy. But an
examination of how it is used by the Damager-God makes it clear what his
intentions are. You say ``there are many more random states than ordered
states,'' making it more likely that transitions will be into random states.
Well, who is responsible for that if not God Himself? Why is the tendency
for a closed system to lean towards disorder? Doesn't that sound peculiar
to you? Maybe it is doing that because the system is not closed at all,
because a Damager-God sticks His hand into it and wreaks havoc.
Paul Zimmerman - AT&T Bell Laboratories

pez@pyuxn.UUCP (Paul Zimmerman) (08/20/85)

	Jeff McQuinn wrote a one-line article about my writing in which
he said ``Man, I don't even believe in God and I think your [sic] sick!''
Well, Jeff, unfortunately you've made the assumption that because there
isn't a good God as described in the Bible, there must none at all.
This is not so. The possibility of an evil God is not only present,
it is much more likely than no God or good God scenarios, as supported
by the evidence of the world around you. You assume that anyone who
believes in the existence of an evil God must be ``sick.'' On the
other hand, I think that anyone who denies the possibility or the
likelihood of the existence of an evil God is at best working from
a faulty assumption, or at worst deceptively misled.
Paul Zimmerman - AT&T Bell Laboratories

chrisand@fluke.UUCP (J. Chris Anderson) (08/21/85)

> -- 
> Paul Zimmerman - AT&T Bell Laboratories
> pyuxn!pez

	In response to Mr. Zimmerman's article, I can very much identify
with those people who thought his article was satirical, simply because
I had never encountered anyone as extreme in his viewpoint as he. Since 
it would be absolutely ridiculous to try and argue with Mr. Zimmerman, I 
would like to keep this short and point out a few things.

	Assuming that Mr. Zimmerman is correct, and that there exists a
Damager-God who is out to destroy the world, that leaves me with a few choices:

1. I can choose to believe as Mr. Z. does and will live my days battling it
   out against this god in constant anxiety and fear that this god will strike
   at anytime. I would see clearly that all the tragedies ocurring in my life
   and around me as the Damger-God out to get me. Then, when I died, I suppose
   I would either cease to exist or live in a "hell" with this Damager-God.

2. I can choose to believe in a lie, that the God of the universe is really
   a benevolent and loving god, who is blessing me and leading me in this
   life to a life beyond in heaven with him. I would then interpret all the
   tragedies ocurring in my life and around me as natural occurences or else
   that my (false) god was calling me to growth and a deepening in my reliance 
   on Him. After I died I would then be in the same condition as in #1.

3. (I can live indifferently.)

	Looking objectively at these two viewpoints on life, I can see that
no matter what I believed on earth, I would end up the same after death; 
therefore my beliefs would only affect my life on earth. Weighing the two 
viewpoints, I would the one with which I could be happier. I would then choose
#2, because this viewpoint would lead me to a life of joy, hope, and love
instead of fear and anxiety. I can not see a way of continuing on and being
happy knowing that there was a Damager-God bringing destruction to my life.

	One last thing I have noticed in Mr. Zimmerman's articles. If there
is any truth to projection (extending one's own inner personality to another),
I would say that Mr. Z. is not a very happy person. Mr Z, my prayers are for
you; I'll ask the Damager-God not to zap you today.

tullis@uiucdcs.Uiuc.ARPA (08/21/85)

1.	This should be in net.religion.
2.	The bible calls Satan the "god of this world". It points him out
	as your "evil damager god".
3.	If you are really concerned about this (and it seems that you are),
	meet with a biblical research group. Not church group, a biblical
	research group. After all, when you are ill, you see a doctor. Your
	mindset right now will never let you be happy.

sdyer@bbncc5.UUCP (Steve Dyer) (08/21/85)

Though entertaining, this discussion is very marginally related
to net.origins, and should be exiled to net.religion at once
before the Damager-God comes in the form of the Men-with-the-
Butterfly-Nets and carts us all away!
/Steve Dyer

vmc@mhuxj.UUCP (Verbus M. Counts) (08/26/85)

 From the writings of the Bab.

 "Say: God  is  indeed  the  Maker  of  all  things.   He  giveth
sustenance  in  plenty  to  whomsoever  He  willeth.   He  is the
Creator, the Source of all beings, the Fashioner, the All-Mighty,
the  Maker, the All-Wise.  He is the Bearer of the most excellent
titles throughout the heavens and the earth  and  whatever  lieth
between  them.  All do His bidding, and all the dwellers of earth
and heaven celebrate His praise, and unto Him shall all return."

 (Selections from the writings of the Bab, p211)

Verbus M. Counts   AT&T Bell Labs             The Word of God(religion) is one,
(201) 564-2510     101 JFK Parkway            though the speakers are many ...
ihnp4!mhuxj!vmc    Room 1L-423
August 25,1985     Short Hills, NJ 07078                  The Baha'i Faith

vmc@mhuxj.UUCP (Verbus M. Counts) (08/26/85)

The following is from the writings of Baha'u'llah (The Glory of God)
about God.

Lauded be Thy name, O lord my God!   How  great is Thy might and 
Thy sovereignty; how vast Thy strength and Thy dominion!

All praise, O my God, be to The Who art the Source of all glory
and majesty, of greatness and honor, of sovereignty and dominion,
of loftiness and grace, of awe and power.

Exalted, immeasurably exalted, art Thou above  the  strivings  of
mortal man to unravel Thy mystery, to describe Thy glory, or even
to hint at the  nature  of  Thine  Essence.   For  whatever  such
strivings  may  accomplish,  they never can hope to transcend the
limitations imposed upon Thy creatures, inasmuch as these efforts
are  actuated by Thy decree, and are begotten of Thine invention.
The loftiest sentiments which the holiest of saints  can  express
in  praise of Thee, and the deepest wisdom which the most learned
of men can utter in their attempts to comprehend Thy  nature,  all
revolve  around  that  Center  Which  is  wholly subjected to Thy
sovereignty, Which adoreth Thy Beauty, and is  propelled  through
the movement of Thy Pen.

God testifieth to the unity of His Godhood and to the  singleness
of   His  own  Being.   On  The  throne  of  eternity,  from  the
inaccessible heights of His station, His tongue proclaimeth  that
there  is  none  other God but Him.  He Himself, independently of
all else, hath ever been a witness  unto  His  own  oneness,  the
revealer  of  His  own  nature, the glorifier of His own essence.
He, verily, is the ALL-Powerful, the Almighty, the Beauteous.

He is supreme over His servants, and standeth over His creatures.
In  His hand is the source of authority and truth.  He maketh men
alive by His signs, and causeth them to die  through  His  wrath.
He  shall  not  be asked of His doing and His might is equal unto
all things.  He is the  Potent,  the  All-Subduing.   He  holdeth
within  His grasp the empire of all things, and on His right hand
is fixed the Kingdom  of  His  Revelation.   His  power,  verily,
embraceth  the  whole  of creation.  Victory and overlordship are
His; all might and dominion are His; all glory and greatness  are
His.  He, of a truth, is the All-Glorious, the Most Powerful, the

Know thou of a certainty that the Unseen can in no wise incarnate
His  Essence  and reveal it unto men.  He is, and hath ever been,
immensely exalted beyond all that  can  either  be  recounted  or
perceived.    From  His  retreat  of  glory  His  voice  is  ever
proclaiming: "Verily, I am God; there is none other  God  besides
Me, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.  I have manifested Myself unto
men, and have sent down Him Who is the Dayspring of the signs  of
My Revelation.  Through Him I have caused all creation to testify
that there is none other God except Him,  the  Incomparable,  the
All-Informed, the All-Wise."  He who is everlastingly hidden from
the  eyes  of  men  can  never  be  known  except   through   His
Manifestation,  and His Manifestation can adduce no greater proof
of the truth of His Mission than the proof of His own Person.

Exalted, immeasurably exalted  art  Thou  above  any  attempt  to
measure the greatness of Thy Cause, above any comparison that one
may seek to make, above the efforts of the human tongue to  utter
its  import!   From  everlasting Thou hast existed, alone with no
one else beside Thee,  and  wilt,  to  everlasting,  continue  to
remain  the  same,  in  the  sublimity  of  Thine essence and the
inaccessible heights of Thy glory.
 And when Thou didst purpose to make Thyself known unto men, Thou
didst  successively  reveal  the Manifestations of Thy Cause, and
ordained each to be a sign of Thy Revelation  among  Thy  people,
and   the   Dayspring   of   Thine   invisible  Self  amidst  Thy


Verbus M. Counts   AT&T Bell Labs             The Word of God(religion) is one,
(201) 564-2510     101 JFK Parkway            though the speakers are many ...
ihnp4!mhuxj!vmc    Room 1L-423
August 25,1985     Short Hills, NJ 07078                  The Baha'i Faith

pez@pyuxn.UUCP (Paul Zimmerman) (08/26/85)

	I'm not sure why J. Chris Anderson claims that it would be
``absolutely ridiculous'' to argue with me. My position is solidly
based in factual evidence, unlike that of those who whorship the
Damager-God. They are engaging in what Rosen calls ``wishful thinking.''
(Though Rosen engages in it himself with his atheism, but that's another
story.) I did not say that the Damager-God was ``out to destroy the
world.'' What I did say was that He is using the world (and us) for
His perverse and evil pleasure, and will persist in doing this until He
chooses to make Armageddon dust of us all in a fit of ultimate pleasure.
After that I assume He will again tamper with the natural flow of things
to mold the world to His sick desire to damage.

	The choices you offer are somewhat ironic, because they summarize
the three grand world views held by human beings.

	[1] Realize the evidence pointing to the existence of the
	Damager-God, and accept the fact that He exists, either bemoaning
	a sad and painful fate or working to grapple for whatever happiness
	we can get in a world with a filthy pig in charge.

	[2] Choosing ``to believe in a lie, that the God of the universe
	is a benevolent and loving God.'' As Mr. Anderson said, all
	tragedies would be interpreted as natural occurences and all good
	things would be interpreted as actions by God. Unfortunately,
	this is the reverse of what actually happens, and a perfect
	example of how God has f*cked up our minds to His advantage.

	[3] Living indifferently. I take this to mean not caring or not
	having an opinion about God (agnosticism) or denying His existence

	Perhaps I flatter myself by calling maltheism one of the ``three
grand world views,'' but I don't think I'm alone in this view. I also think
the number of people holding this view is growing. Mr. Anderson says that
despite the evidence against it, he would choose view [2], because it would
make him feel better in this life, regardless of how accurate that view is.
I'm afraid that doesn't sound like a very good reason to me. It smacks of
Rosen's buzzword ``wishful thinking,'' since he chooses it just because it
makes him ``happier.'' I could see not caring (for as long as you could),
but not just offhandedly blocking out the truth because you don't like it.
Mr. Anderson says that I must not be a very happy person for holding my
views of God and the world. I beg to disagree. I find I have never been
quite so happy as I have been since recognizing God for what He is.
I could not find love and joy in a hypocritical stance where I simply
deny the evil of God to make me feel better about life. But I do find
joy in beating God out of chances to cause me harm. There is no way
to be universally happy with the Damager-God interfering in all our lives,
except through denying His existence. And I could not find happiness in
lying to myself.

	But please, Mr. Anderson, do not waste your prayers to the
monster pig Damager-God. Not on me, and not on yourself. I hope you
realize that He laughs at you as you pray, and uses your confiding in
Him against you.
Paul Zimmerman - AT&T Bell Laboratories

tynor@gitpyr.UUCP (Steve Tynor) (08/27/85)

In article <309@mhuxj.UUCP> vmc@mhuxj.UUCP (Verbus M. Counts) writes:
>The following is from the writings of Baha'u'llah (The Glory of God)
>about God.
>Lauded be Thy name, O lord my God!   How  great is Thy might and 
>Thy sovereignty; how vast Thy strength and Thy dominion!

Etc, etc, etc...   KEEP IT OUT OF net.origins !!!!!!!!

Eschew Obfuscation.
    Steve Tynor
    Georgia Instutute of Technology

 ...{akgua, allegra, amd, harpo, hplabs,
     ihnp4, masscomp, ut-ngp, rlgvax, sb1,
     uf-cgrl, unmvax, ut-sally}  !gatech!gitpyr!tynor

Steve Tynor
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332