[net.origins] Shove over and make room for God!

za56@sdcc3.ucsd.EDU (Brian McNeill) (09/06/86)

In article <5160@decwrl.DEC.COM> arndt@lymph.dec.com writes:
>In my posting of the dialogue from the Christian science fiction book,
>WHEELS OF HEAVEN I made the point that there is ROOM for God even in
>the current 'secular' view of matter.  Surely a reasonable position.

Certainly...but there is evidence, circumstantial in your view, but
still evidence, that the natural laws are obeyed at all times, but
there is NO evidence that any of the laws are subject to exceptions
at random (Some of the laws are subject to exceptions, but these
are few and far between, like collapsars and such, and certainly not
at random, like the book you read postulates...)

>[Deleted analogy]
>Gordon Davisson seemed to think I was saying modern chemists didn't know
>about QM.  Rather the point I was making, and the point of the book, was
>that the QM does not NECESSARILY rule out room for God to act in the world.

But again, see above.  I would tend to support a position when there
is any evidence, even circumstantial (and, sooner or later, you can
reduce ANY evidence to circumstantial evidence), to a position where
there is NO supporting evidence of ANY KIND.  True, half the rules
in existance might be in abeyance in some unseen corner of the
univers, or one of my pixels might be spelling out "F*CK you" when
Im not looking, or whatever, but the evidence is against it, and
the most likely conclusion to draw from this is that the rules are
absolute, and that my screen is not saying dirty words to me behind
my back, because we have no evidence that it does.  Tell me, how
come you don't think your God is off slaughtering billions of people
in some other universe that he just decided "What the hell...so what
if these people worship me, I want to kill a few
billions..."  Its because your evidence indicates that your God does
not do these things, isn't it?  If your God did these things he
would be evil, but your evidence says he is good, and therefore
doesn't do these things, right?  Same here.  We have evidence that
the universe behaves in certain logical ways, and very rarely, if
ever, it violates them.  We accept this evidence because we have 
no evidence to the contrary, and may therefore assume that this is
the correct hypothesis.

>Scott McEwan, Hi ole Scott, admits that it is 'impossible to prove that
>natural laws really apply everywhere all the time'.  I deny, and again it
>was a point of the story, that we have a 'staggering amount' of evidence
>ABILITY TO EXAMINE IT!!  We have an interesting, 'beautiful', well thought
>out 'model' of the universe which, every time we look, seems to hold up.
>The story merely points out the LIMITATIONS inherent in our ability to 
>VIEW the universe! 

There are limitations everywhere, for instance, suppose you are
sitting in a locked room with brain probes attached, with a
computer feeding you nervous impulses simulating your life, belief
in God, etc. as an amusement program in PLY (pointless year) 21911?
Disprove that one.  You can't, can you?  The point of this little
statement is to show how futile it is to argue the limits of
human reason and consciousness.  There is no point arguing the
limits of humanity, because YOU ARE WITHIN THESE LIMITS.  You are
unable to see outside, and DON'T EVEN KNOW there is an outside.
No argument using these limits is able to be either proved or
disproved, and so there is no point is arguing them.

>Scot even allows the possibility of God acting!
>You are not far from the Kingdom, Scott!  You say, "If the scientific
>assumption is wrong, it doesn't matter."  Welllll . . . maybe so, maybe so.

What if your knowledge of God is wrong?  What if God is an
impassionate scientist experimenting with higher forms of life the
way we experiment with bacteria?  Hmmmmm...

>Aside from art what about human relationships - that which most people say gives
>'meaning' to their lives.  For instance, just the other night I was watching
>the telly news and they showed a story of a three year old boy who had died of
>liver disease.  I was struck to tears.  There was this beautiful little boy
>sitting between his parents who were holding his hands (a close in shot of the
>boy's hand in his father's as his father rubbed his thumb over the top of the
>little boy's yellowish tiny hand - damm the medium) and reading a story to him.
>The little boy had that smile of hope and self knowledge that only a child
>seems to have, as with his big eyes he smiled at the camera.  THEN they said
>he had died!  Now if it's all just chemicals, atoms, 'natural laws' to explain
>'mind', 'love', 'relationships' and it all 'don't matter' in the long run - well
>life is shitty indeed (to quote Monty Python).  On what basis does one curse
>the darkness or grieve??  The nattering nabobs of naturalism urge us to just
>accept it as 'life'.  Talk about dumb sheep and loving it! 

What is meaning?  The meaning my life has is what I give to it.
It's not permanent, but then, nothing is.  Life is worth living in
and of itself, though.  There does not have to be meaning.
The mere fact that you WANT life to have meaning does not make it 
have any cosmic, final meaning.  If you are wrong, and I am right,
and there is no God, life will be (in your opinion) meaningless,
despite what you believed when living.  I would like to have 10
million dollars, and the world, from my view would be better, but I
don't.  Your view is merely wish-fulfillment.

>And we are assured there is nothing else, all the reports of 'supernatural'
>experiences some no doubt which are bogus, notwithstanding.  There can BE
>no God, not because we have not found him but because on principle we have often
>cut the definitions so that there CAN be no God.  I have stated the case 
>that you can't look for God everywhere in several ways.  Life, WHAT I AM,
>makes no sense WITHOUT an infinite personal God!!  And sure enough the Bible
>describes people, in their own words, meeting such a God.

This is because many people have always felt insecure without final
meaning to their life.  This is my view of why there is religion in
the world, and of so many types.  If there were some basis, I feel
most, if not all of the religions would fundamentally be similar,
which they are not.  Which religion you belong to is largely a
matter of which religion is predominant in the land of your birth
and education.  People have invented religion to give their lives
meaning, to assuage their fear of death.

>What's wrong with Evolution, without recourse to God creating the world either
>all at first or as it went along, is we are left with dust and then NO DUST!!
>Life, the world, the Universe is a big 'ho hum', 'so what', or in the words
>of the artists who see this, we look at the universe and ask questions and hear

Dust then no dust....actually...dust, then conglomerations of dust,
then machines made of dust, then highly complex machines made of
dust, capable of thought (feedback upon themselves)....this is my
view.  Scientists attempting to figure out how life started, in
reproducing the approximate conditions of the times when life
started shot a bolt of lighting through an nitrogen/oxygen/carbon
dioxide atmosphere, and guess what they got...thats right...AMINO
ACIDS...the building blocks of life...amino acids are what most of 
your body is made of, excluding the raw elements and water.  Add a 
few amino acids together, and you get various kinds of tropisms,
etc...until, finally, after 2+ billion years, you arrive at man...
takes a long time, and rather roundabout, but it finally gets there.

>[moral argument for God, which suffers same flaws as meaning in
> life argument...ie...wish-fulfillment]
>Keep chargin'
>Ken Arndt

| Brian McNeill        ARPA :           za56@sdcc3.ucsd.edu |
| HASA "A" Division    UUCP :  ...!sdcsvax!sdcc6!sdcc3!za56 |
| Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim all knowledge of opinions,  |
|   expressed or implied, including this disclaimer.        |
| Flames ---> /dev/null                                     |

gordon@uw-june (Gordon Davisson) (09/08/86)

[I will be away until October, so please mail me a copy of any followups,
and don't expect an immediate response.]

In article <5160@decwrl.DEC.COM>, arndt@lymph.dec.com (Ken Arndt) writes:
>In my posting of the dialogue from the Christian science fiction book,
>WHEELS OF HEAVEN I made the point that there is ROOM for God even in
>the current 'secular' view of matter.  Surely a reasonable position.

>Gordon Davisson seemed to think I was saying modern chemists didn't know
>about QM.  Rather the point I was making, and the point of the book, was
>that the QM does not NECESSARILY rule out room for God to act in the world.

You seem to have misunderstood me rather thoroughly.  I *agree* that
science does not "rule out room for God to act in the world" (ever hear
the term "God of the Gaps"?).  In fact, it is theoretically impossible
to rule out God, by science or anything else.

What I objected to in the book was the chemist character saying that
"one of the great tacit assumptions that permeates and undergirds all of
science [is] that how matter behaves in the lab when I am watching it,
is how matter behaves OUTSIDE the lab when I am NOT watching it."  The
reason I objected to this was that QM contains explicit violations of
this assumption, and a chemist should have known this (there was some
discussion of this in net.physics a while ago under the subject "Does
the moon go away when I don't look at it".  The best answer I saw was
something like "No, but it does get kinda fuzzy").  My unstated
implication was that the author of the book (and probably you as well)
did not know what he was talking about.

>[lots of flameage about how meaningless life is without God]

There's been a lot of this stuff going around net.religion lately, and
I'm not sure I agree.  Why must everything be meaningless without God?
(or, if you prefer, how can anything be meaningful even with God?)  I
find my life to be meaningful (at least to me), even without God.  do
you and I mean different things by "meaningful"?

>            Morals become a joke.  Like what is taught in public schools today.
>"How do YOU feel about it?"  As long as you 'feel good' about your choices.
>(Everyone DOES realize, do we not, that this viewpoint of each person making
>his own choices rather than defering to a 'higher' authority - Humanism - IS
>a itself a moral position!!!

But isn't deciding to follow a "Higher" authority (as well as what
constitutes one) also your own choice, or is it some sort of logical
necessity?  And if it is a logical necessity, can you also rule out
morals, meaning, etc. being logical necessities even without God?

(As I said above, please mail responses...)

Human:    Gordon Davisson
HASA:     new member, "S" division
ARPA:     gordon@uw-june.ARPA
UUCP:     {ihnp4,decvax,tektronix}!uw-beaver!uw-june!gordon
Bitnet:   gordon@uwaphast

"What do I mean by the word 'mean'?  What do I mean by the word 'word'?
What do I mean by 'What do I mean'?  What do I mean by 'do', and what do
I do by 'mean'?  What do I do by do by do, and what do I mean by wasting
your time like this?"			-- Monty Python