kdwarren@iwlc6.UUCP (Kerry D. Warren) (03/31/84)
I am not sure I got the title write but this is a response to three questions posed by one writer. The first question was: 1) Would you accept a child the caused the death of your spouse (paraphrased) the second question is: 2) Would you be in favor of abortion if you found out that your child would be severely handicapped I would lik to responed to both of these questions together since they are often used by many pro-abortionist as reasons for allow free choice for having an abortion. First of all both of these arguments are "red herring" arguments The over whelming numbers of abortions performed today are not becouse the mothers life was in danger or because the child was severely handicapped or even because the women was a victim of rape or incest. Conservatively all of these reasons grouped together are less the 10 percent of the total abortions performed in this country. Most were performed merely for the convenince of the womem who was pregnant. In fact, going beck to victims of rape, only a very few rape victims ever get pregnant (~1%) and of those studied that had an abortion were more traumatized by the abortion than by the rape itself. In fact one women remarked that you could talk to her about the rape but don't ever ask her about the abortion. Of those who chose to put the child up for adoption they recovered from the rape much more quickly because of the feeling that some parents had benefited from this terrible mishap. In fact there are more applications for adoption in this country than there are abortions in this country and that runs into the millions. Most of those applications NEVER get filled. As for your third question; 3) Would you drop your material status in order to have a child? I am really afraid of what that question says about our society. But to answer your question directly, yes I would and I have. But I would liked you to think about the question you just asked. Do you really want every one to make value judgements on whether it affects their material status or well being. What if doctors only operated on people who could pay large sums of money. What if the government quit giving any money to the poor because it would completely eliminate the national deficit and would kill off all poor people therefore eliminating poor people and helping society as a whole. What if the government eliminated all laws prohibiting polution becuse it keeps industries from making huge sums of money. What if your neighbor burned down your house because it was pulling down the value of his house. All of these sound silly but are using the same reasoning, that material well being is much more important than any kind of life. You know there hve been a few past civilizations that have grown powerful and strong and then fell. These societies had an increased infantisied, increased pre-occupation with sex, more and more people wanted to live off of the government, the gap between the very rich and the very poor became bigger and bigger, and there was an increased desired for material well being. Does any of this sound familiar. You will also notice that these societies had opposite values when they were coming to power. There is a saying Dwell on the past and you lose one eye. Forget the past and you lose both eyes. Think about it!!!