[net.abortion] Rebuttal to Mike Dolan

hfavr@hogpd.UUCP (A.REED) (04/04/84)

This is a reply to ihnp1!dolan. Lines prefixed by > are quotes.

>I would define rape as the forcible entry of the male organ into the
>woman's body.

So if someone pushed a broomhandle up your rectum, it wouldn't be rape?

>The fetus did not forcibly enter the woman's body.

It is not force but lack of consent that defines rape. Penetration of a
sleeping person need not be forcible, but it is still rape. And don't
tell me that having sex constitutes consent to pregnancy. I'll grant
that there is a probabilistic relationship between the two, but to
infer consent from a probabilistic relationship is like
saying that a woman "is asking for it" if she goes out after dark. The
only way to consent to anything - including pregnancy - is to decide
that you choose to accept it.

>It began its existence there.  It did not choose to come into existence.

And the crazy rapist in my scenario did not choose to have brain
damage. So what?

>There is every indication that the fetus would choose to continue to
>live given the chance (witness starving children in 3rd world
>countries.) Until there are other life support systems to support 
>that child's/fetus's life, the mother's womb is the only place for 
>that child to exist for several months.

The crazy rapist wants to live too. Again, so what?

>The tradeoff is several
>months of inconvenience for one human being against the life of
>another human being.  (I am using the assumption from the quote
>above that the "fetus is a separate person.")

In my scenario, it is a few MINUTES of "inconvenience" for the woman
versus the life of another human being (the rapist). If it is OK to
kill an innocent human being to avoid a few minutes of rape, then ought
it not be OK to avoid several MONTHS?