[net.abortion] Just replying to an idle offensive comment reply to flame

kenn@sdccsu3.UUCP (05/05/84)


From: ..bbncca!sdyer (Steve Dyer)

Original comment:
  ... those who do not recognize the teaching authority of the Church.

  How about those who are strong enough to form their own system of values, 
  rather than accepting on blind faith a popular attitude?

> This kind of mindless knee-jerk response (one is tempted to classify it as
> "spinal" rather than "cortical") is typical of what I have seen from
> Kenn in his earlier responses on this newsgroup.

If you want to make personal attacks, stick to net.flame or send me mail.
I see hiding in a no-flame newsgroup a sign of cowardice.  

> Please read my article again --
> it was making one point and one point only--that those who don't accept on
> faith what the Church teaches aren't going to be convinced by arguments
> based on said faith.

I agree with that.  If you'll read my subject line, you might understand what I
was talking about!  I agree with your article, about said faith and such.  What
I didn't like was the way you phrased the teachings of church, you put them
as "the correct authority."  I find that offense.

> Instead, this guy is all ready to make an attack on organized religion and
> those who choose to follow it.

Defensive, aren't we?  No, I'm just ready to make an attack on anyone who says
that religion is the best thing for me.  Your phrasing insinuates that.

				   Kenn the Kenf

dyer@wivax.UUCP (Stephen Dyer) (05/05/84)

No, it's not a sign of cowardice, it's a sign of exasperation.
As usual, this comes down to miscommunication.  When one speaks of
"the teaching authority of the Church" that says NOTHING about
what you, Kenn, or what anyone else should do or should believe.
This "authority" is only meaningful to those who think that
the Church has something worth hearing.  It's like saying the "legal
authority of the Dominion of Canada"--this isn't claiming that Trudeau
can tell you, as a US citizen in the US, what to do or where to go.
And, it would be silly to take offense at that.

Defensive?  I wasn't the one to broach the issue of an "offensive comment",
but I will always clarify the misinterpretation of my ideas.

Now, let's get off the subject and back to the main issue.
/Steve Dyer