[net.abortion] Let's Play a little game.

brianp@shark.UUCP (Brian Peterson) (07/21/84)

I want to play a game that every 2 year old is an expert at: 
the game of `why'.  I will ask a simple question, and you try 
to answer it with a simple sentence or three.  I repeat
`why', and you have to explain your answer.  This tends to boil
things down to fundamental assumptions rather nicely.  Keeping things
simple avoids going off the track, and avoids flaming emotionalism.
This could be fun...

First question  (mostly to anti-abortionists):

			"Why is abortion bad?"

Mail me responses, or post 'em.  Whatever.  I just want variety and simplicity.

		Brian Peterson	{ucbvax, ihnp4, }  !tektronix!shark!brianp

laura@utzoo.UUCP (Laura Creighton) (07/23/84)

In setting up a society there are two clear-cut and well documented
ways that one can go. The first one is where individuals transact
with each other on a value for value basis. There are several
variations on this theme, ranging from direct barter to laisez-faire

The other way is through terrorism. You do what Big Julie wants or
Big Julie will kill you, enslave you, take away your property,
kidnap or torture your relatives... There are several variations
on this scheme, including some dictatorships and other state
controlled nations. 

Suppose we decide that we do not want anything to do with the second
alternative. The first thing that we must do is set up a method
where one is strongly discouraged from using force or threat of
force to take something from somebody else. In general, what you
do is declare that ``all men have certain rights'' enumerate the
rights and then prosecute those who trangress against them.

The right to life features in such lists. 

if the fetus is a human being then the fetus should have the right to
life. if the fetus is not a human being then it never had any rights
in the first place. (though perhaps some of the ``cruelty to animals''
laws might apply. Some of the methods of abortion are very painful
for the aborted fetus -- so much so that they would not be acceptable
ways to slaughter pigs, for instance.)

If the fetus is a human being, and you argue in favour of abortion
on demand, then you are saying that a  certain section of the
population (perhaps even the majority) should have the power to
kill other sections of the population. Or to extort others on the
strength of threat of death (marry me or I'll have an abortion!).
No matter what the benefits to any segment of the population, you
have taken away a fundamental right from others.

This is an incredibly dangerous precident to take. You could use
it to take away the lives of crippled or elderly people, for
instance. the same arguments ``well, they won't have a happy
life'' and ``they are a burden on their relatives'' and  ``they
aren't wanted'' apply. 

The other serious problem is deciding *by public opinion* whether a
fetus is a human being or not. This is sheer idiocy. You do not
decide a matter of fact by public opinion. Public opinion has
yet to change the speed of light, or the law of gravity. You cannot
legislate the truth into existence. In cases where the truth is
unknown, or imperfectly known, the last thing that you want to do
is to submit the choice for public vote. If the experts in the field
cannot come up with the truth, then the `common man' cannot be
expected to. He may have strong opinions, but people have had stong
opinions about the flatness of the earth, that Jews were all inhuman
monsters who poisoned wells and ate unbaptised Christian children,
and that burying a potato with three drops of the blood of the one
you hate (and appropriate chanting and whatnot) by the light of the
new moon will cause him to come down with some ``wasting disease''
as the potato rots...and what to do with potato buriers when
you find them, or even suspect that your neighbour is one.

Public opinion is dangerous. 3 million people who are wrong are
still wrong.

So what does one do when one does not have the evidence to make
a decision? Especially in the case of defining ``what is a huamn
being'' something which is even likely to never have a
satisfactory answer? 

One thing to consider is whether one is prepared to be wrong. The
consequences of not aborting a fetus which is not a humen being
(though this is unknown to us at the time) is that there is an
extra person born who needn't be. The consequences of aborting a
fetus that is a human being are multifold. But the worst that I
see are:

	the actual killing
	the sanctioning of that killing 
	the assertion that truth is a matter of public opinion.

This is so close to belief==truth that it is staggering to consider.

*	*	*	*

Sorry Brian, no short answers. However, I think I have gone through
several ``whys''in this...

Laura Creighton

owens@gatech.UUCP (Gerald R. Owens) (07/27/84)

  >I want to play a game that every 2 year old is an expert at: 
  >the game of `why'.  I will ask a simple question, and you try 
  >to answer it with a simple sentence or three.  I repeat
  >`why', and you have to explain your answer.  This tends to boil
  >things down to fundamental assumptions rather nicely.  Keeping things
  >simple avoids going off the track, and avoids flaming emotionalism.
  >This could be fun...

    >First question  (mostly to anti-abortionists):

    >			"Why is abortion bad?"

    >		Brian Peterson	{ucbvax, ihnp4, }  !tektronix!shark!brianp

Sounds to me like an good proposition, provided that the one who is
asking "why" has the capability of recognizing a good answer with
more skill than a 2 year old has.  Otherwise, one would just be arguing
with a broken record stuck on the groove that utters "why?".
How about a counter question:

		"What is the fundamental difference between a born
		 member of the human race and an unborn member of the
		 same race, that is so large that terminating the life
		 of one would be called murder, but the termination of
		 the other life would not be called murder?"

					Gerald Owens

das@ucla-cs.UUCP (08/08/84)

> "What is the fundamental difference between a born member of the human
>  race and an unborn member of the same race, that is so large that
>  terminating the life of one would be called murder, but the termination
>  of the other life would not be called murder?"

California's murder statutes make killing a fetus murder *except* in the
case of abortion performed in accordance with the Therapeutic Abortion Act
(or whatever it's called).  Other states no doubt have similar laws.  So
it appears that there is widespread agreement at least that no one has the
right to kill a fetus *without* the mother's consent.  Now, *IF* a woman
has a right to abort a fetus she is carrying, then I assume all would agree
that certain other people (presumably physicians) should have the right to
to kill it if she authorizes them to -- otherwise it would be a vacuous, even
dangerous, right.  The point here is that for the sake of determining whether
there's a right to kill a fetus, the actual agent of the abortion is
immaterial; if a woman has someone kill a fetus she is carrying, then she
bears the (shared) responsibility for killing it.  So the focus of the
question can be narrowed to the woman's decision and the conflict of rights
between her and a fetus in her body:
  What is the difference between a human that she has just given birth to
  and an unborn human she is carrying, that would forbid a woman from killing
  the born human, but would allow her to kill the unborn human at some stage
  of its development?

It's the old where-do-you-draw-the-line question again.  Now a born human can
be cared for by any one of billions of people, so if a woman doesn't want her
baby, her desire not to care for it doesn't conflict with the baby's right
to live, since she can put it up for adoption.  If it's unborn, let's see:
  If the fetus is developed enough so that it could be kept alive outside of
    the mother's body (whether in an incubator or another woman's womb), and
    the mother doesn't want it, must she consent to a medical procedure which
    might be more dangerous to her than an abortion?  Must she bear the
    cost of the procedure above the cost of an abortion?  On the analogy of
    adoption, she probably would not have to support the fetus once it's no
    longer in her body.
  What if there's a 50-50 chance that the fetus won't survive if it's removed?
    If abortions were forbidden, and the removal procedure posed little risk
    to her at this stage, may she ask to have it done, or must she carry the
    fetus to term, or at least to the point where the removal procedure is
    safer for the fetus, but riskier to her?
  What about IUDs?  A hard-core right-to-lifer would either outlaw them or
    require that the fertilized ovum be removed and saved for implantation
    in another woman or (once the technology gets there) a machine.  Does
    a one-celled human being have the same right to life a born infant has?
  Who pays for the care of the fetuses and children which would otherwise
    have been aborted?  One can't argue that the right to life absolutely
    outweighs costs to society -- if that were the case, we'd pay for an
    ambulance at every street corner, extensive safety systems in every
    industry, etc.

I don't believe in an absolute right to life for every conceived human being,
a right which outweighs *every* other consideration that does not
significantly endanger another human's life.  Social convenience sometimes
*does* take precedence -- we *don't* forgo the nonessentials of life (most
cars, airplanes, nice restaurants, radio, TV) to pay for perfect universal
health care.  We make a tradeoff at the level of a whole society on the basis
of convenience.  Does this scale down?  Can one woman decide that the burden
o carrying a fetus to term outweighs its right to live?  (Depending on her
environment, "burden" encompasses everything from mere inconvenience to
loss of income, rejection, or in some cultures, endangerment of her life.)

I'd be a hypocrite not to say yes.  I don't work just long enough to earn
enough to live on and spend the rest of my time volunteering in hospitals or
hanging around bars hailing taxis for people too drunk to drive, and I don't
contribute everything I earn above the minimum I need to live to life-saving
causes.  By making my life pleasant for me, I probably failed to save a child
from starving somewhere.  If I saved one child through contributions, I could
have saved another through more.  I've traded the life of a child for my
convenience.  Most of us have.  Is it different from abortion because the
child is unknown to me, and I let it die through inaction?  Isn't it worse,
because the child was sentient?

I don't believe rights are absolute (if I did, then this would belong in
net.religion); we trade rights for convenience.  Because we know we're not
perfect judges of others' sensitivities, if it's not overly inconvenient we
will extend rights if we think they'd be appreciated.  We kill animals for
food, because it would be too inconvenient not to.  We (at least Americans)
don't torture them for the most part, however, because we think they feel the
pain as pain.  We don't kill born humans because they (or people who know
and maybe love them) want to live, and there are few circumstances where
we recognize the killer's desire to prevail over this want (self-defense, for
example).  A non-sentient fetus is known by nobody, including itself, and
does not experience nasty stimuli as pain as we know it.  For most people,
a desire to kill it would be mere wanton destructiveness, and not worthy
of overriding its rights.  For one person in the world, though, there's a
more substantial reason, enough of one in my eyes to allow an abortion.
If a non-sentient fetus is developed enough to experience pain, then I'd
still unquestionably agree to a right to an abortion, provided it were done
to inflict minimal pain.  Once the fetus is sentient, the mother's convenience
may sometimes not outweigh its rights, but who sets the guidelines for
acceptable reasons and judges the validity of a woman's reasons?  In the
absence of any societal consensus, we let the woman herself decide, which is
not as self-serving as it seems -- the fetus's case is pleaded by hormonal
and socially-induced maternal feelings, so as many women have argued, a
decision to have an abortion is rarely as capricious as some make it out to

I think the Supreme Court decision of 1973 set a reasonable balance.  Sorry
to be so long-winded.

bs@faron.UUCP (Robert D. Silverman) (08/09/84)

	I love the logic behind the latest question i.e. the difference
	between a born member of the human race and an unborn member of
	the human race ... etc.

	The question itself implies that the unborn ARE members of the
	human race. This seems to be one of the fundamental issues in
	the abortion question. Are they or aren't they? [GOD only knows]

	Its nice to be able to ask a question with a built in bias and
	is typical of the non-logic of many anti-abortionists. Please
	note that I don't imply that the person who asked it is anti-