jeffw@tekecs.UUCP (Jeff Winslow) (02/11/85)
These people who post abortion articles *only* to net.abortion are really beginning to get on my nerves. Come on, people, let's get into the spirit of the net! Let's see those abortion articles in (know what that F is?), net.cooks (yummy fetus casserole, hey?),* (heard "Fetus Scream Symphony" yet?), net.wobegon, net.unix-wizards, and, last but not least, net.general!! What's with all the self-censorship??!? Don't you know that restraint causes cancer?? This message brought to you by the "they'll always do what you tell them not to" school of behavior modification. Jeff Winslow *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH MILITARY-STRENGTH ASBESTOS ***