arndt@lymph.DEC (02/28/85)
Barry: Welcome to net.abortion. However I do not feel that I can agree with your comments, especially "we have created the need for abortion" and "the woman is abandoned first". I do agree that more support for women with an "unwanted or untimely" pregnancy is what is needed. A few facts: o 98% of all abortions are done because, in the words of Dr. Irvin Cushner, an abortion supporter, the women undergoing abortions "do not wish to be pregnant at this time." Dr. Cushner, of the UCLA Medical School, testified before a 1981 Senate subcommittee that only 1% of abortions are performed because of any physical health problems of the mother. The May/June 1984 issue of FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES, a journal affiliated with Planned Parenthood, states that "most abortions have no strictly medical indication." [It seems to me that it is not the woman who is abandoned but the baby!!! Abortion as performed and used in this country is a matter of CONVENIENCE!] o 60% of women having abortions did not make any attempt to use contraceptives at the time they became pregnant, according to Luella Klein, M.D. president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (cited in the Jan.23,1983 WASHINGTON POST) o Over 12,000 abortions in 1980 were done on unborn babies 21 weeks (six months) or older, an age when some babies, if born prematurely, have lived. (cited from the Jan/Feb 1983 FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES) o In 400 - 500 abortions each year, the 'dreaded complication' occurs and the baby is born alive, according to Dr. Willard Cates, then chief of abortion suveillance for the Center of Disease Control (Cited in "Abortion: The Dreaded Complication", Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug.2,1981) Of course since that time abortionists are perfecting their methods so THEY don't have to 'finish' the operation after "it" starts crying. o 26% of all pregnancies end in abortion. o Every 21 seconds a baby is aborted. --------------------------------- Hardly a case of poor struggling women desparately seeking a way out of a horrible situation. Rather people not wanting to take responsibility for their acts. But, if there IS justice, they are only putting off and making worse their fate. I know that there are exceptions to the above behavior I mention. But these women (the famous rape/incest women) are NOT what abortion in this country is about dispite what some 'theorists' would have us believe. But don't worry. It's changing. What a crime it has to go on through so many poor little lives snuffed out. Isn't it strange. When you WANT a baby then long before it is 'born' we talk of 'baby' in the womb. How could there be an ANGRY God? One that would make us PAY for doing wrong? He has to LOVE us all! It's only fair. Note carefully that the Christian God has made a way of escape for EVERYONE who has 'sinned' to find forgivenes. One of the major thrusts of the REAL woman's movement, the 'traditional values' woman's movement is to minister to women who have had an abortion and are suffering guilt because of it. There are several organizations with hotlines, etc. But I've started preaching. I don't want to kill the abortionists (or blow them up) just stop them. Regards, Ken Arndt
barry@mit-eddie.UUCP (Mikki Barry) (02/28/85)
Welcome again, Barry. Nice to see that BU (the old alma mater) is finally on the net. Did the put ye'ol 370 on, or did they finally get a computer? One thing you will have to contend with on this newsgroup are assumptions made by pro-life: 1. The woman must be "responsible" for her naughty action of having sex. The "punishment", have the baby. Note, that even though the "famous" rape/incest victim is allowed to have the abortion because it isn't her fault she is pregnant. 2. The want for the fetus to be carried to term overides any wants of the mother. Many statistics will be brought up (some bogus), many moral arguments will be brought up, some religious arguments will be brought up, and the whole thing will be repeated over and over again. Then will come the assumption by pro-choice: 1. Abortion on demand is a right (usually modified to "in the first trimester") Even if it is only for convenience. More statistics, arguments against using morality or religion to make laws, and the whole thing will repeat. And this, in a nutshell, is net.abortion. By the way, I agree with you that abortion is not a very nice thing. Believe it or not, I have seen many women who don't sing all the way to the clinic when they needed an abortion. And you know, of those I knew (6), ALL had used contraceptives. And of those 6, only 5's boyfriend came to be with them through the ordeal, even though all 6's boyfriends thought abortion was the right thing to do at the time. I also agree with you that pregnant women are sometimes abandoned by society, their families, and the man that helped them to get pregnant. AND, in some cases, by state funding to have the same rights as those more well off (abortions, proper medical care if the decision is to carry the fetus to term). And some are ignorant of the care provided by some pro-life groups. In case you haven't realized by now, I am pro abortion on demand (so are 76% of Boston's catholics by the way). However, I also believe that there are many women who wouldn't have abortions if there was adequate birth control information available, AND if pro-lifers and pro-choicers could work together WITHOUT trying to convince the pregnant woman whether or not to have an abortion, and just lay out ALL the options. I know that many clinics do not have access to information concerning group homes and financial aid, and adoption assistance available to pregnant women. And I know that many pro- life groups do not have the medical information necessary to make an informed decision as to whether or not to have an abortion. It sounds naive, but if the two warring factions could get together, drop the hysteria and name calling, and work together for the common goals of: 1. Eliminating unwanted pregnancies in the first place 2. If an accidental pregnancy occurs, making ALL information available to the pregnant woman so that an intellegent, informed decision can be made about what is best for everyone involved. I think there would be much fewer abortions, and the ones that would occur would be safe, and the woman would be sure that that's what she wanted. Abortions have been done for thousands of years. There will always be those women who will have them. Wouldn't it be better to lose only one life than two? And better still to provide the education to prevent the pregnancy in the first place? Mikki Barry
root@bu-cs.UUCP (Barry Shein) (03/01/85)
reply to Ken Arndt: I think you are probably correct at some level, abortions are often 'for convenience' rather than what most of us would consider 'desperation'. Of course these thoughts get rather mixed when something as monumental as child-bearing/raising is at stake (did I avoid the draft during the VietNam era out of 'convenience'?, I am sure some would argue this is so, but aren't they focusing in on the easy issue?) I stand on my point. The current abortion situation belies a very sick society, where our babies don't "fit in". I think stopping women from this choice is the wrong place to start. It will only make us sicker while we avoid the real issue: We have lost interest in life. -Barry Shein, Boston University
keithd@cadovax.UUCP (Keith Doyle) (03/04/85)
[..............] > o 98% of all abortions are done because, in the words of >Dr. Irvin Cushner, an abortion supporter, the women undergoing abortions >"do not wish to be pregnant at this time." Dr. Cushner, of the UCLA Medical >School, testified before a 1981 Senate subcommittee that only 1% of abortions >are performed because of any physical health problems of the mother. The >May/June 1984 issue of FAMILY PLANNING PERSPECTIVES, a journal affiliated >with Planned Parenthood, states that "most abortions have no strictly >medical indication." >Ken Arndt To me, this indicates that the root of the 'pro-life' problem is centered around 'unwanted' or 'untimely' pregnancies. Abortion is the symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. If the pro-life people would help counsel women before they get pregnant so that they wouldn't get into situations where they wanted an abortion, then I as a pro-choicer would have no problems with them. But, they prefer to wait until the problem has already gotten out of hand, and THEN tirade about it. As far as I'm concerned, by that time, it's too late, they've missed the boat. No woman figures on abortion as a 'birth control' BEFORE she gets pregnant. Keith Doyle {ucbvax,ihnp4,decvax}!trwrb!cadovax!keithd "You'll PAY to know what you REALLY think!"